A long and steady return to Jewish observance following a dollar from the Rebbe
Israeli entertainer and movie chief Yehuda Barkan, a “wellspring of bliss” who left on a 35-year otherworldly excursion rediscovering his Judaism following a short experience with the Rebbe—Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of equitable memory—died on Oct. 23 from entanglements coming about because of the Covid. He was 75 years of age.
A gregarious man of larger than average magnetism, Barkan—conceived Yehuda Ezekiel Berkowitz in 1945 in Netanya, Israel—was popular for the jobs he played in Bourekas films, an amazing sort of Israeli comic dramas, principally during the 1970s, which included faction works of art, for example, “Hagigah BeSnuker” (“Party at the Snooker”), “Lupo!” and “Charlie and a Half,” just as radio and TV trick shows during the 1980s and ’90s.

Following his grasp of Jewish recognition, Barkan would just partake in movies of a more humble nature for the last 25 years of his profession. In 2014, he was granted the Ophir Prize, what could be compared to the Oscars, for lifetime accomplishment by the Israeli Academy of Film and Television.
Israeli President Reuven Rivlin praised him, saying: “Yehuda Barkan was a wellspring of delight. He was a [cultural] monster and productive entertainer, and profoundly he posed a potential threat too. He was known for his liberality towards all humanity. We will regularly return to the heritage he left Israeli culture and review his immense love and grin.”

Barkan portrayed the start of his otherworldly excursion with his first experience with the Rebbe during the 1980s during a film-related visit to New York. He reviewed how while getting a dollar from the Rebbe, he was enraptured by the Rebbe’s heavenly presence, which he said profoundly affected him for a mind-blowing remainder.
Rabbi Moshe Oirechman, head of Chabad of the Krayot locale on the edges of Haifa, went with Barkan on that visit. The rabbi depicted how in the wake of passing by the Rebbe to get that dollar, Barkan stayed remaining uninvolved for just about three hours, captivated by the individual consideration and consideration that the Rebbe appeared to each individual who came to get a dollar and a gift.
Barkan started to examine Judaism on his re-visitation of Israel, and his grasp of Judaism advanced in a moderate, progressive and consistent way for an amazing remainder. Indeed, even as he turned into a good example as an individual of note who embraced a strict life, he kept up his numerous companionships with associates in media outlets and held the adoration of the Israeli public.
Rabbi Sagee Har-Shefer, co-chief with his better half, Devora, of Chabad of Nes Ziona and a companion of the entertainer, revealed to Chabad.org that he disclosed to Barkan that “in the Rebbe’s view, an individual should not to make extremist and impractical life changes, totally surrendering their old way of life, yet rather to advance profoundly throughout everyday life, each as per his intrinsic capacities and qualities.”
Barkan, he stated, accepted that guidance to heart.
A Defining Moment During the Gulf War
At the point when Barkan was asked what the pivotal occasion was that persuaded him that he was on the correct way as he continued looking for truth, he reacted decisively that it was during the principal Gulf War in 1991.
The colder time of year of 1991 was an unnerving period for Israel, as its residents were being undermined with substance fighting in counter for a battle in which they were not included. Gas veils were dispersed to all inhabitants, who were told to make a fixed room in each home to be utilized in case of a gas assault.
Barkan frequently told individuals that his sister let him know with certainty that the war would be over by Purim, as she had heard that the Rebbe had guaranteed U.S. Armed force Chaplain Rabbi Jacob Goldstein that there was no compelling reason to bring his Megillah look to Saudi Arabia, where he was being conveyed. Sufficiently sure, with triumph nearby, Goldstein was reassigned to Israel right away before the war finished on Purim day.
Barkan, intrigued by the supplications and confidence showed all through the nation as each of the 39 rockets was terminated on Israel, couldn’t get over the massiveness of what had occurred. “39 Scud rockets were terminated at Israel by Iraq, and inexplicably, no Israelis were straightforwardly hurt,” he reviewed.
The entertainer would talk about how his newly discovered confidence helped him through difficult stretches. In the mid 1990s, Barkan delivered and was vigorously put resources into a film that floundered in the cinema world. He failed, owed a great deal of cash to advance sharks and was at the absolute bottom in his vocation. Be that as it may, after an experience with kids with unique requirements and a dejected person who appeared at his entryway looking for a little gift, Barkan said he unexpectedly got a handle on what he was finding out about the intensity of a mitzvah (great deed).
“It occurred to me that despite the fact that I was not doing so well, I was still in a situation to help other people who were even less blessed,” he clarified. It was during that period that Barkan started to put on tefillin consistently, which he said gave him confidence and a sentiment of being associated with his Creator. “On the off chance that it was not for the Torah during that time in my life, Yehuda Barkan would not be remaining here today.”
In the last part of the 1990s, Barkan started going to morning administrations routinely at Har-Shefer’s Chabad House. He even devoted a part of the grounds to the memory of his late dad. At the point when his mom died Barkan, generally saved in showing his learning, amazed gatherers by passing on a protracted Torah talk in her memory on the commemoration of her passing.
“Yehuda would go to administrations at our Chabad House, put on tefillin every day and partake in Torah classes consistently,” said Har-Shefer. “It is maybe not broadly known, however Yehuda was exceptionally associated with good cause and was continually hoping to help other people. He volunteered to light commemoration candles for individuals who kicked the bucket alone and would frequently take care of a significant part of the expenses for Chabad House functions.”
Oirechman likewise kept up a cozy relationship with Barkan as the years progressed, and reviewed the entertainer’s extraordinary affection for the Rebbe.
“Yehuda once welcomed me to his child’s Jewish right of passage in Tel Aviv,” related the rabbi. “I had quite recently gotten back from a visit to New York, where the Rebbe had given me a container of mashke (spirits) in the interest of my effort exercises in the Holy Land. So I brought along the jug to give some l’chaim to the Barkan family as a gift. At the point when Yehuda heard that the jug was from the Rebbe, he welcomed all the visitors, including huge numbers of the’s who of Israeli mainstream society, over to his table to share and raise a toast on a glass of the Rebbe’s mashke.”
Har-Shefer reviewed that when Barkan supported functions to stamp a unique event, for example, his better half’s recuperation from an ailment, he demanded that the benefactors of the nearby soup kitchen ought to be welcome to the supper.
Said the rabbi: “He was a living case of ‘a beam of light.’ “