Unfazed: Jewish Leaders Inspired and Empowered by the Rebbe’s Teachings

Now available for streaming, event attracted tens of thousands online and in-person

Dina Hurwitz, whose husband, Rabbi Yitzi Hurwitz was immobilized by ALS, spoke candidly and openly about the challenges she faces and how she and her family have managed to rise above the pain and uncertainty that is now part and parcel of their lives.

Since the pandemic-induced lockdowns began in early 2020, countless online events have been held, ranging from entertaining to inspiring to informative.

Yet rarely has a single online stream drawn an audience as diverse as Unfazed, an international farbrengen dedicated to learning from the timeless lessons and example of the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory.

Held on Monday, July 14, the day after the 27th anniversary of the Rebbe’s passing, the event (which was produced by Merkos Suite 302 and Chabad.org) featured an impressive lineup of powerful Jewish personalities who shared how the Rebbe’s teachings inspire and empower them to face their challenges head-on.

In addition to the tens of thousands who had joined from home or on their phones via the Chabad.org live stream, many more attended hundreds of in-person viewing events hosted by Chabad centers and synagogues from Thailand to Long Island, as per local health guidelines.

Of special note was an appearance by Elisha Wiesel, son of the late Holocuast survivor and Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel, who spoke of his father’s unique bond with the Rebbe and how the Rebbe’s legacy has left its mark on successive generations of the Wiesel family.

TikTok executive, former Facebook head of leadership and development and author Michal Oshman discussed her personal battles with debilitating anxiety and how the Rebbe’s teachings and example have been a guiding light in her life.

For many, an especially emotional and empowering moment came when Dina Hurwitz, whose husband, Rabbi Yitzi Hurwitz was immobilized by ALS. She spoke candidly and openly about the challenges she faces and how she and her family have managed to rise above the pain and uncertainty that is now part and parcel of their lives.

“The concept that pain does not have to be suffering is a nugget I will be taking with me,” wrote a Chabad.org viewer in response to her talk in the comment stream below the live webcast. “That is very applicable in my life right now. Thank you!”

An integral element of any Chassidic farbrengen is heartfelt singing. During this event, Chassidic and Yiddish music was played by legendary violinist Itzhak Perlman accompanied by the heartfelt vocals of Shulem Lemmer.

One of the blessings of a virtual event is that even those who live in the furthest corners of the globe are able to experience a visit at the Ohel, the Rebbe’s resting place, in Queens, N.Y., where Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Vice Chairman of the Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch, the educational arm of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement, led the recitation of a chapter of Psalms, praying for the welfare of Jews everywhere.

Ultimately a celebration of the G‑d-given soul and the strength of human spirit, the event concluded with joyous Chassidic music, which prompted one virtual attendee to share that they were so touched that they began dancing around their kitchen.

A full replay of the event can be viewed here.

Source: https://www.chabad.org/news/article_cdo/aid/5169488/jewish/Unfazed-Jewish-Leaders-Inspired-and-Empowered-by-the-Rebbes-Teachings.htm

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