Today in Chabad History: 9 (Tes) Kislev

The 9th of Kislev marks both the birthday and passing of the Mitteler Rebbe (the second Chabad Rebbe), Rabbi Dov Ber of Lubavitch (1773-1827).

Rabbi Dov Ber was a prolific author who published many scholarly books during the course of his lifetime, including Toras Chaim, Imrei Bina, and Peirush Hamilos. Rabbi Dov Ber constantly advocated for better conditions for Russian Jewry, and successfully petitioned the Czar of his time to allow Jews to settle in Ukraine.

It was Rabbi Dov Ber who famously said, “When two people discuss a subject in avoda and they study together, there are two Divine souls against one natural soul.”

What mitzvah can you do today in his honor?

Fun fact: there is no verified picture of the Mitteler Rebbe.

Click here for a book on the Mitteler Rebbe’s life.


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