The second plane departs for Alma Ata

While 100 Chassidim are now farbrengening on the special flight that departed last night from New York, 150 Shluchim, Rabbis, Mekoravim and Balei Batim boarded the second plane, departing these moments from the capital of Ukraine to Alma Ata, Kazakhstan, in honor of Reb Levi Yitzchak Schneerson’s 76th Hillula.

Tomorrow, Monday, the 20th Menachem-Av, between 2 and 5 am (EST), tens of thousands of Chabad Chassidim from across the world will join the live broadcast from the Baal HaHillula’s ‘Ohel’ while the 250 Chasidim will enter to read the Pan Kloli and recite Tehillim, and then after gather for a Chassidic Farbrengen in a nearby tent.

The live broadcast site, 24 Hours of Chof Av –

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