Group travels from West Bloomfield, Mich., to honor victims

In the days since the Nov. 30 mass shooting at Oxford High School in Oxford Township, Mich., flowers, cards, mementos and placards have been placed on the frozen lawn outside the school to honor the four students killed in the attack, in addition to those recovering from related injuries.
Seth Weisman, who recently played football against victim Tate Myre, came with a memorial of his own. On the final night of Chanukah—battling freezing rain, gusting winds and more—he kindled a menorah, with all eight flames burning brightly.
A junior at West Bloomfield High School, Weisman came to the site along with Rabbi Shneur Silberberg and a small group from the Bais Chabad Torah Center of West Bloomfield, which he regularly attends.
“Perhaps it was fitting that the rain and wind made it challenging to kindle the menorah, as if to emphasize the challenge of spreading light in the aftermath of such an evil, painful event,” said Silberberg. “But Chanukah teaches us not to be deterred by the dark, and eventually, we were able to light all eight flames of the menorah, a small victory of light.”