The strange, funny, and meaningful things that happen out in the trenches as Chabad representatives go about their business . . .
Motti Rubin – Albany, NY
Episode 1/6
My three-year-old accompanied me as I was making rounds before Rosh Hashanah, visiting people and bringing them holiday packages. It was a bit more driving than her patience allowed, and on the way home, she became restless. I needed to find something to amuse her, so when we passed a house that had a big garage sale outside with toys, we got out of the car. We found some great toys for my daughter, and as I was about to pay, the lady behind the table recognized me. A local magazine had recently included a feature about our family. “Rabbi, was it your family that was featured in the magazine?” she asked. So we got to talking and it turns out that she is Jewish, from Slovakia, with three teenage children. Of course, they joined us for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, and her children have since joined our teen group. All because of my little girl’s kvetching…