Rosh Hashanah Prayer Booklet Available for Home Printing

Online material helps prepare those in isolation for the High Holidays

A printable booklet for the High Holidays (Courtesy of Kehot Publication Society)

As the coronavirus pandemic forces individuals worldwide to remain isolated, and with many synagogues under orders to restrict attendance, millions of Jews will be praying at home for the High Holidays, many for the first time in their adult lives.

To assist them, has partnered with Kehot Publication Society to produce a printable booklet that contains many of the key Rosh Hashanah prayers (a Yom Kippur pamphlet is in the works).

The booklet was designed to be used in two ways. For those who have a year-round siddur (prayer book), the book provides the additional prayers said only on Rosh Hashanah.

And for those who are still becoming familiar with Jewish prayer, the volume also has select basic prayers, which are found in the year-round prayer book.

Additionally, since the primary mitzvah of the day is the sounding of the shofar (ram’s horn) on Sunday, Courses produced a three-part video tutorial that will train anyone on how to blow the shofar at home, for themselves or anyone else unable to attend synagogue.

A full index of educational and inspirational videos, texts and tools for celebrating the High Holidays in isolation can be found here.

It is not permitted to go online on the holiday itself. All printouts should be made well in advance of Rosh Hashanah.


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