Q&A about Learn2Daven- A Program Founded by Ambitious TEENAGERS!!!

Q: I heard that in February IYH a program called learn2daven is being launched. What is it exactly? Can you tell me about it?

A: Learn2Daven is a program that is intended to help students from non-religious backgrounds to gain an appreciation and understanding of the Mitzvos, Minhagim, Halachos and Yomim Tovim of Yiddishkeit. Our goal is also for students who enter the program to learn the basic skills of davening and that they feel comfortable going to Shul on Jewish holidays.

We decided to run the programs online, on Zoom so that it is accessible to all students regardless of their location.

Q: What made you want to start Learn2Daven?

A: I started elementary school at a public school. At this school I was fortunate enough to have some access to learn about Judaism through after school programs. I enjoyed it so much that in High School I decided to go to a Jewish Orthodox day school, Beth Rivkah. I had an amazing time and was able to learn heaps. When I was praying on Yom Kippur in 2021 during the COVID-19 lockdown, I noticed that my younger brother did not know any of the Yom Kippur davening and he didn’t really know what to do. It is then that I came up with the Learn2Daven initiative.

Q: So you wanted to ensure that in the future, Jewish boys and girls, can feel confident on Yomim Tovim and every day, that they know basic Davening and can know what to do in Shul?

A: Exactly. I didn’t want children to find themselves in the same situation as my brother did, because he didn’t go to a Jewish school. Such a large percentage of Jewish kids are in secular schools and aren’t as fortunate as we are to have the Jewish education we did. Many parents can’t afford to send their kids to a Jewish school, but should that be a reason for these precious Neshamos to be denied knowledge of Yiddishkeit? And, on that topic, in case you were wondering, parents do not have to worry about paying for this program, as it will be running on a free model, with us as founders, and the volunteers running each of the classes, dedicated to the program with no goal of making profit, allowing for students to learn worldwide, without paying a cent.

Q: Are you a Hebrew school? How are you planning on teaching kids how to Daven?

A: Although we may resemble a Hebrew school in the sense that we spend part of each class teaching kids about Yiddishkeit- be it Yomim Tovim, Mitzvos, Yiddishe Hashkofos and beliefs, we do NOT teach the kids Hebrew. They do not need to come to the program knowing Hebrew and they will not learn how to read. The Tefillos they will learn will be transliterated, so they can follow along the transliteration, and become familiar with the tefillos through singing along with the group each week. In addition, we’re not planning on teaching the kids the whole siddur back to front, we’re focusing on familiarising them with the most basic, crucial parts of Davening (obviously depending on age.

Q: So the structure of each lesson would include davening and learning a bit about Yiddishkeit- am I missing anything?

A: Yes, you are! We also will devote a few minutes each lesson to learn the meaning and translation of one of the parts of davening. This will help them understand what they are saying, and feel more connected to the davening, and ultimately, connected to Hashem.

Q: Do you have any Rabbis backing you in this endeavour?

A: For sure! We have Rabbi Mendy Ajzenshmidt, of South Caulfield Shule, in Melbourne Australia where we live, on board with us! He supports this program!

Q: On a different topic, how do you and Chaya Mushka know each other?

A: We met on the way home from camp on the bus when Chaya Mushka was entering high school. We’ve BH gone through high school and beyond, together as best friends!

Q: If I have a fourteen-year-old daughter, is she too old to sign up for Learn2daven? Don’t most programs like these only cater for children twelve or younger?

A: Not too old for us! Learn2Daven is for Jewish boys and girls ages 5-14. She’ll be the oldest of the club though- I’m sure that will entitle her to VIP privileges!! 😊

Q: I’m curious- what topics in Yiddishkeit are you planning on covering this coming year IYH? Can I have a sneak peek of the curriculum?
A: Sure! It’s all mapped and planned out already! Topics include (although this is just a drop in the bucket) Shabbos, Yomim Tovim, Creation, Tzedaka, the connection between science and Torah, the six constant Mitzvos, Aseres Hadibros, Mitzvos Bein Adam L’Chaveiro, 10 Mivtzoim, Jewish dress code (Tznius for girls, Yarmulka and Tzitzis for boys), Moshiach, Eretz Yisroel, Jewish pride, and…. a super-special Jewish Online Escape Room Challenge!

Q: Wow- can I come just for the escape room????!!!  What are the volunteers like?

A: The volunteers are caring, knowledgeable, trained high-school girls who have gone to Orthodox Jewish schools. They will be running each of the Zoom classes, using the curriculum we founders have made to base their lessons on. Although we have some volunteers who are super-interested and excited to be on our team, especially with B’Ezras Hashem more students signing up to the ones we have, we will need more volunteers. If you, or someone you know is a high schooler who can give one hour of her week plus some time for prep, and want to make a difference, and as a frum girl can inspire others, please sign up as a volunteer on Learn2daven.com, and once we do our background check we will be more than excited to have you on our team!

Q: Did I see a website you just seemed to be subtly telling me about?

A: Yes you did! We have created a website for our program- www.Learn2daven.com  ! You can find out more about each of our bios as founders, more info about the program, details of how to contact us, and sign up as a volunteer or sign up your children as students!

Q: Chaya Mushka Kievman, can you tell me what motivated you to be a co-founder of this program?

A: Shana approached me with her idea, so she deserves the credit for really initiating Learn2Daven. But there were many factors which motivated her to join her in investing time and effort into bringing our idea into fruition, B’Ezras Hashem. Firstly, as a proud Chabad Jew, I love doing any form of Shlichus and spreading the light of Yiddishkeit.

We have a directive from the Rebbe. In Yiddish it’s Ain Yid macht an Andere. In English, it’s one Jew makes another (Jew). Not only in a physical, biological sense, is it a Mitzva to reproduce, but in a spiritual sense, we are meant to have spiritual children. We are meant to increase our student base and teach more Jews Torah. In addition, the Rebbe’s passion about the power of Jewish children is so strong. In His Sichos which I learned, it said that: Jewish children are the foundation of the world. Jewish children are compared to the “feet” of the Jewish nation. Just like a body can’t move forward without the feet, the Jewish nation can’t go anywhere without the children. Children carry the whole Jewish people, even the Rebbe, who is the head!! I think I was so moved by the Sicha.

We really need to empower the children, and have the responsibility to help them achieve their potential, and help them go through with this vital mission they have, in the continuity of Yiddishkeit. Ultimately, they are our future.

 Another factor for me, is the fact that, besides for being passionate about Jewish education (I’d love to teach in the future, and have tutored a lot already), I feel very affected by the fact that many parents do not send their kids to a Jewish school, simply because of the exorbitant fees, while public schools have minimal or no fees. I’ve read reports about the large percentage of Jewish kids who are not learning about their own heritage, simply due to financial reasons, and we all know the story of intermarriage. If only we can do something about this, not merely sigh, but make a positive change.

Q: How old are the two founders?

I’m 19 and Chaya Mushka Kievman is 18. We both just finished high school and decided that now is the perfect time to make a difference.

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