Rabbi Eliyahu Bakshi-Doron, 79, Former Chief Rabbi of Israel

Remembered as a wise scholar and ‘man of the people’ Rabbi Eliyahu Bakshi-Doron, who served as Israel’s Sephardic Chief Rabbi (Rishon Letzion) between the years of 1993 and 2003, passed away on April 12, in the middle of Passover, as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19). He was 79 years old. Bakshi-Doron was born in […]

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Two Universities React as Antisemitism Steps Out of the Shadows

“Viva, viva intifada!” The chant filled the atrium and echoed back through bullhorns outside. Waving Palestinian flags and wearing black and white keffiyah scarves, 600 students had converged on the building to vent their hostility toward Israel and its citizens. The second Palestinian terror campaign may have ended in 2005, but at Toronto’s York University, […]

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Decades Before Zoom, The Rebbe Used Interactive Video to Connect the World

In 1989, the “Chanukah Live” program showed that satellite technology can advance connectedness, peace and unity Under the pressure of social distancing and social isolation, we are seeing the awakening of a renewed social consciousness. Not only have our interactions with others not declined, but they have become more meaningful, more precious, more intentional, more […]

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Interview: How to Find Purpose in Isolation

Rabbi Tuvia Teldon to host a four-week online course on individual aspiration Stuck at home in a world shaped by (G‑d forbid) illness, isolation, monotony and worry, it’s easy to lose sight of purpose. To provide much-needed Jewish insight and inspiration in these extraordinarily challenging times, Chabad.org has produced an all-new online course hosted by […]

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Yitzchok Kosofsky, 89, the CPA Behind Kosher Milk for Chicago

He was a dedicated volunteer for many projects to spread Judaism As thousands of Jewish families in the Midwest enjoyed fresh, chalav Yisrael milk over Passover, few knew that their dairy drink was due to the efforts of a humble CPA named Yitzchok Eliyahu (Irwin) Kosofsky, who passed away prior to the holiday at the […]

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Oxygen And Other Blessings

A thank you note from a covid-19 survivor. I’ve had a fever for weeks. Every day seemed like forever. I isolated myself in the Chabad Center.  Shivers. Sweats. Shivers and sweats. Coughing. Coughing that wouldn’ stop. I took the COVID testing in Ephrata [Pennsylvania],  on Monday. They said they’ll know in four days… Four days […]

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Make Your Own Men’s Mikvah for $400

Basic 118 in X 30 Pool $100 https://amzn.to/2KuGqJP 15ft x 48in Easy Set Above Ground Inflatable Pool w/Pump and Solar Cover $523 https://amzn.to/2Kuf86A Coleman SaluSpa Inflatable Hot Tub Spa $600 https://amzn.to/3eDcZTM

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