Silly Parsha Questions for Shavuos By Rabbi Mottel Friedman, S Paul, MN
Comedian Howie Mandel on saying Kaddish for his father for a full year
770 Food Packages For Muslim Families
Today Rabbi Yisroel and Chaya Uzan delivered the 770th box of food supplies to families starving after the COVID shutdown left them without any source of income. Each box has 17 kilograms of food, a value of around $100, enough to feed a family with five children for at least a full week. Chabad Aid, […]
Poem for Parsha Bamidbar by Rabbi Mottel Friedman, S. Paul, MN
Chabad of Hackensack To Host Free Mask Drive-Thru This Sunday For Families in Need
HACKENSACK, N.J. — As COVID-19 continues to spread throughout the state of New Jersey, many basic supplies, essential to pandemic living, have been hard to come by, limiting families’ abilities to shop and provide for loved ones. Determined to find a way to help in this tough time, Chabad of Hackensack will be hosting a Free […]
Chabad emissary in German city of Hanover dies at 43
Binyamin Wolff, a father of 8, initially believed to have died of COVID-19, but hospital says he repeatedly tested negative: ‘His passing is a terrible loss for German Jewry’ Chabad Rabbi Binyamin Wolff (Screen capture: Facebook) JTA — Rabbi Binyamin Wolff, a father of eight children and the emissary of the Chabad Hasidic movement in […]
Chabad Lubavitch of Greenwich sends out spirit-lifting Shabbat to-go bags
GREENWICH — In an effort to lift spirits during these challenging times, Chabad Lubavitch of Greenwich is encouraging the Jewish community to celebrate Shabbat through a new campaign called #Shabbat500. Shabbat, which takes place from Friday night, until Saturday night each week, is Judaism’s time of rest. It includes refraining from work-related activities and engaging […]
More Than 150,000 Much-Needed Masks Distributed by Chabad in New Jersey
With New Jersey’s Health Emergency extended another 30 days on Wednesday as the coronavirus pandemic continues to ravage the state and much of the nation, residents and health-care workers are preparing for continued restrictions—and looking to take the necessary precautions—as they move in a limited capacity through their daily lives. Gov. Phil Murphy declared a […]
Rochel Yehudis Charytan, 65, Longtime Chabad Emissary to Winnipeg
Mrs. Rochel Yehudis Charytan, longtime Chabad-Lubavitch emissary to Winnipeg, Canada, passed away on the first day of Passover after a lengthy illness. She was 65 years old. She was born Rochel Yehudis Gottlieb in Montreal in 1954, named for her two grandmothers who both perished in Auschwitz. Her parents, Shraga and Sarah Gottlieb, Holocaust survivors […]