PresentMode offers attention to the immediate while being available for urgent calls Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries are legendary for wearing many hats at once. Embodying that image, Rabbi Yossi Marozov juggles roles that include director of Friendship Circle of Cleveland, congregational rabbi, personal mentor, fundraiser, Torah teacher and father of seven. Moreover, for the past two years, […]
How Jews can think about George Floyd
Shortly after I moved to Atlanta almost two decades ago, I learned a valuable lesson in Southern Jewish etiquette. You can discuss anything in polite company. Politics, sex, and money — all good. Except for one subject. That would be Leo Frank — the only American Jew to be lynched. (The essential book on the […]
Rabbi Avrohom Pinter, 70, London
Principal of Yesodey HaTorah Senior Girls’ School, former Hackney councillor Rabbi Avrohom Pinter, a leading Jewish figure in London and the first rabbi in England to serve as a town council member, passed away on April 13 after succumbing to COVID-19. Pinter was born into community activism. His father, Rabbi Shmelke Pinter, arrived at just […]
Why Sing About Elijah After Shabbat?
There is a widespread custom to sing hymns or at least make mention of the prophet Elijah on motzei Shabbat (Saturday night). As the Code of Jewish Law describes, by mentioning Elijah’s name, we are praying that he “come and proclaim the redemption.” But what is the connection between Elijah the Prophet and Saturday night? […]
How to Celebrate Shavuot at Home
As we approach Shavuot, it’s hard to believe that our world has been locked down for nearly three months. We made it through Passover, and we’ve made it through Lag BaOmer … but Shavuot? Shavuot, the holiday of burning the midnight oil with a dedicated crew of fellow scholars, of gathering in the synagogue with […]
Shavuot: COVID-19 and Beyond!
We humans appreciate consistency, knowing when, how and where something will happen. We schedule appointments and try to fill our calendars as far in advance as possible. This is why, as traumatizing as our experiences of slavery in Egypt were, we somehow managed to find comfort in that lifestyle.1 We knew our daily tasks (however […]
Chabad of the Valley uses day of respect, Lag B’omer, to say thanks to hospital workers
Chabad organizers delivered boxes of foods to staffers at the center on Wednesday, just to say thank you. Chabad of the Valley was highly keen on celebrating Lag B’omer, a lesser-known Jewish holiday of unity, love and respect. So, Chabad organizers put together a humble but meaningful procession — a car parade — to celebrate […]
In Homes, in Some Synagogues and on the Streets, Shavuot Celebrated Worldwide
Rabbis counsel caution during pandemic, even when following local government guidelines In a normal year, Chabad-Lubavitch of Eilat, Israel, on the shores of the Red Sea, would host hundreds of children in their synagogue for the reading of the Ten Commandments, in keeping with the call of the Rebbe—Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory—that […]
Rabbi Aharon Yaakov Schwei, 85, Beloved Rabbi of Crown Heights
Scholar, teacher and member of rabbinic court known for his kindness Rabbi Aharon Yaakov Schwei served in many positions throughout his life, including as a teacher, summer-camp rabbi and serving on the rabbinic court of the Crown Heights Jewish community in Brooklyn, N.Y. But throughout it all, say those who knew him well, he remained […]
Unable to Attend Synagogue, Thousands to Join Pre-Shavuot Yizkor Online
Program scheduled for Wednesday evening at 8:30 p.m. ET The second day of Shavuot (this year, Shabbat, May 30) is one of the four times a year when Yizkor, a prayer for departed loved ones, is traditionally said in synagogue. This year, millions of Jews will be unable to attend synagogue on Shavuot. While it […]