Close to 50 campers are having the summer of a lifetime at the Ckids Gan Israel Florida summer experience After being quarantined in their house for the last few months, Adam and Joshua Cismas were thrilled to join other Jewish kids from around the state for ten days of nonstop excitement. “Our goal with the […]
The Rebbe’s Yahrzeit
The life of a tzaddik is not a life of the flesh, but a spiritual life consisting wholly of faith, awe, and love of G‑d. – The Tanya This Thursday, 3 Tammuz, marks the twenty-sixth anniversary of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s passing. Since his passing, the Rebbe’s influence on world Jewry has grown exponentially and is […]
NFL quarterback Kirk Cousins wishes a ‘mazel tov’ to Jewish Students and encourages them to connect to their routes.
LEC News Update 2020 with Sara Basya Korf
THEY SAID IT COULD NOT BE DONE, WELL, L.E.C. DID ITDue to COVID-19, we were forced to go virtual, and boy are we thriving. It’s the closest we can get to being back in school, physically. Admin, IT, (for those wondering, they are the ones who keep our online school running) and Staff, mobilized immediately […]
Lubavitcher Saved from Bullet
A Lubavitcher bochur driving on Atlantic Ave narrowly missed becoming a victim Wednesday evening, after a drive by shooting sent a bullet through the window of the car he was driving. The shooting took place on Atlantic Ave near Pennsylvania Ave in Brooklyn around 7:30pm. While some details are still unknown, one man was confirmed […]
Silly Parsha Questions: Beha’aloscha by Rabbi Mottel Friedman, S. Paul, MN
Parsha Poem Beha’aloscha by Rabbi Mottel Friedman, S. Paul, MN
Faiga Korenblit, 96, Holocaust Survivor and Quintessential Rebbetzin
Served families in Chabad synagogue adjacent to Brooklyn yeshivah Although the numbers tattooed on to her arm silently spoke of the horrors she had lived through in Auschwitz, Faiga Korenblit, who passed away last month at the age of 96, could not actually be described as a “survivor,” but rather a “thriver.” In the 75 […]
Rabbi Motti Kopman, 34, Faced Cancer, COVID and Death With Invincible Joy
Jerusalem native inspired many in Buffalo, N.Y. area Rabbi Motti Kopman dedicated his life to two things—spreading joy and helping others, say his family and many friends. In fact, the young rabbi’s reputation for being ready to serve anyone at a moment’s notice was so widespread that he would often receive phone calls at his […]
Global Online Pre-Shabbat Party to Uplift Children With Special Needs
Friendship Circle program features celebrities the kids can relate to The three-month-long coronavirus lockdown has been tough on everyone, but perhaps more so for children with special needs and their families. In many cases, the quarantine has meant that they’re isolated from the social structure they’ve come to rely on. For many, that social structure […]