New Shluchim to Tracy, CA

As many people transferred to a work-from-home model during the last year due to COVID restrictions, many, especially those with young children, began to look for homes outside the big cities. The city of Tracy, a little more than an hour east of San Francisco is a beneficiary of that population migration, and Rabbi Levi […]

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Chabad Gets Permits for New Center

After 9 years of dealing with red tape, Chabad Chayil finally got the full set of permits to build a new state of the art center in the Highland Lakes section of North Miami. Chabad Chayil was founded in the late eighties by the legendary Rabbi Dovid Bryn of blessed memory, at the directive of […]

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Opening Chabad House Doors a Little Wider

Ruderman Foundation Celebrates Six Years of Collaboration An accessible Sukkah Mobile in Arkansas, sign language interpreters at Chabad events in Alabama, and in Virginia, a lowered bimah that allows people in wheelchairs to be called up to the Torah. These are just a few of the accomplishments of the Ruderman Chabad Inclusion Initiative (RCII). Established […]

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Today In Jewish History: 20 Teves

Today in Jewish History: 20 Teves, Passing Of Maimonides The “Rambam,” acronym for Rabbi Moshe ben (son of) Maimon, passed away today, the 20th of Teves in 4965 (1204). Born in Cordoba, Spain on Passover eve in 1135 or 1138, the Rambam became known to the world as Maimonides. He was of the most prolific […]

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The Story of 2020

Rabbi Yoḥanan says: Why were the Jewish people likened to an olive tree? It is to tell you that just as an olive tree brings forth its oil only by means of crushing . . . so too, the Jewish people . . . must be pressed in order to emit its oil. Menahot 53b:12 […]

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A Leader’s Commitment to Jews in Germany Grows After Her Husband’s Passing

Shterna Wolff oversees the expansion of the Chabad center in Hanover When Rabbi Binyamin Wolff passed away in Hanover, Germany, at the age of 43 last April following a brief illness, he left behind his wife, Shterna, their eight children, and a shocked and devastated Jewish community. But the tragedy has not deterred Shterna Wolff […]

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A Judge and a Jew

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a Chabad rabbi, and the mysterious nature of Jewish identity My mother would smile to think of me lighting candles, and saying the brucha, something she made very special in our home… Writing by hand, on stationery bearing the seal of the Supreme Court of the United States, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg […]

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Where the KKK Once Marched, a Thriving Jewish Presence

Northern Georgia gets a JCC Earlier this month, the Jewish community in Forsyth County, Georgia, laid the cornerstone for the first Jewish establishment in an area where it once would have been inconceivable. “I remember watching live demonstrations of the KKK in this spot in the eighties,” says Forsyth resident Stu Cohen. “When I came […]

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