Remembering the Life of Rebbetzin Chaya Moussia Schneerson

Greatness comes in many forms. Often we imagine the character of a giant as someone who influences an entire world, forgetting the silent majesty of those who make such greatness possible.  Much has been said of the global achievements of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, but little is known to the public about […]

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A Moment of Silence, a Year of Hard Work

Larry Pearson does not have school-aged children. He isn’t a teacher. Nor is he a rabbi. So why is he attending local school board meetings? In his words, “When I see something important that should get done, I do it.”  These days, the important something is implementing a “Moment of Silence” in his local Sparta, […]

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Feeling Stuck? Roll On!

When the Chabad rabbi of Los Alamitos was feeling stuck some months ago, he wrote a song. “I thought about the Jews who came before me, who were also feeling stuck,” said Rabbi Shmuel Marcus. He and his brother Bentzi, otherwise known as 8th Day band, have released a popular single: Rollin. “It’s based on […]

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Rabbi Dr. Abraham J Twerski, 90, OBM

We regret to inform you of the passing of Rabbi Twerski. Born in Milwaukee, to Devorah Leah nee Halberstam, who was the daughter of the second Rebbe of Bobov, and Rabbi Jacob Israel Twerski, who was the rabbi of Beth Jehudah synagogue in Milwaukee. The elder Rabbi Twerski immigrated to America in 1927, and was […]

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From Fruits to Roots

CKids’ Tu B’Shevat Event Encourages Intergenerational Dialogue Two generations came together to celebrate Tu B’Shevat, the New Year for trees, at the Friendship Circle of Free Hebrew for Juniors in Montreal, Canada, this Sunday. The event began with an in-person activity for the younger members, who made gummies out of fruit juice while learning about […]

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Tu B’Shevat: Where’s the Fruit?

Tu B’Shevat, the Jewish Arbor Day that falls this year on January 28, marks the traditional new year for trees. Celebrated annually on the 15th day of the Jewish month of Shevat, Tu B’Shevat is held in the season when the earliest-blooming trees in Israel emerge from winter’s hibernation and start to bud. Customarily the […]

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Secret bunker discovered in Warsaw Ghetto – 76 years later

Dozens of pairs of tefillin found in buildings razed in Warsaw Ghetto are brought secretly to Israel. Dozens of pairs of tefillin (phylacteries) have been discovered hidden in a previously-undiscovered bunker in the Warsaw Ghetto, Israel Hayom reported. The tefillin are a century old but well-preserved, and seem to have been placed in the bunker by the […]

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New Shluchim to Casa Grande, AZ

Casa Grande, located approximately halfway between Phoenix and Tuscon in Arizona is quickly becoming a city of choice for families and individuals looking for cheaper, and more spacious housing while working in the two cities. And in March, for the first time ever Casa Grande will see the establishment of its own Jewish community. Rabbi […]

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