Travel Deals, Points, Miles, And a Jewish Burial

It all started with a post on a travel and credit card points forum from a non-regular user.  “Dr. Jay Goldstein passed away this afternoon in Fargo, ND,” it read. “Ideally, for the funeral scheduled for tomorrow, we would have his Jewish name and parents’ names, but when I spoke with him last week, he […]

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The New Day Schools

The Tamim Academy network is partnering with Chabad to upend traditional ideas about Jewish education “Create it and I’ll come.”  Maryashie Deren put down the phone in disbelief. This was the third call she had received from a New York parent. Panic-stricken at the prospect of spending the winter locked down in a tiny apartment […]

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Five Communal Leaders Share Their Dream Seder Guest

What would they tell us today? What Would They Tell Us Today? Some of us would have loved to be a fly on the wall at the Seder described in the Haggadah: It happened that Rabbi Eliezer, Rabbi Yehoshua, Rabbi Elazar ben Azaryah, Rabbi Akiva and Rabbi Tarphon were reclining [at a Seder] in Bnei […]

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Frissons Of Redemption

Passover celebrates the national redemption of the Jewish people, liberated from an ancient oppressor in an ancient time. But the theme of redemption is universal, and, perhaps this year more than ever, it resonates on many levels. Here, we invited some writers and poets to share their personal reflections. Tangibly Close DAVID CAPLAN Many baalei […]

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Sons And Daughters At The Seder Table

It was unseasonably cold on the first night of Passover back in 1979. Snow had fallen the day before and melted into slush puddles that made walking unpleasant. The evening prayers had ended, and everyone was hurrying home to finally begin the Seder.  Not the Rebbe. Before returning to his home to make the Seder […]

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The Haggadah Collection At The Library Of Agudas Chassidei Chabad

The prestigious Haggadah collection of Chabad’s Central Library began in December 1924, when the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, acquired the collection of bibliographer Shmuel Wiener, consisting of approximately five thousand rare books. The acquisition included some four hundred printed editions of the Passover Haggadah. Since then, the Library has added many more […]

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New Haggadah an Inspiring Guide for Contemporary Seders

An ambitious project for Seder leaders and participants alike Why is this Haggadah different from all other Haggadahs? The Passover Haggadah has seen more editions than any other Jewish book in history. Yet the recently released Haggadah, which is faithful to tradition, effortlessly accessible and refreshingly inspirational, has arrived as a new standard for […]

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