Looking for True Love? Then This Course Is for You!

Four-week video series with Chana Weisberg brings eternal truth to an everlasting pursuit There is nary an element of human experience as enigmatic and bewildering as love. It is intoxicating as it is painful, as fleeting as it is pervasive, and as powerful as it is subtle. Countless books have been written, millions of TED […]

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A Stranger in the Land

Yiftah and Sigal Geva live in Israel. Five years ago, Yiftah was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), which causes thickening of the heart muscle. His doctor advised septal myectomy surgery, an open-heart procedure. The Israeli couple flew six thousand miles to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, where Yiftah was to undergo surgery.  A few […]

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Global Shabbat Candle Lighting

In honor of the Rebbe’s birthday Nshei Chabad has planned a Universal candle lighting campaign for all Jewish women and girls. They are asking everyone to publicize this video with the following information. Dear sisters, Let’s all unite in unison as we light our Shabbat candles this Friday night bringing Divine blessings of health, peace […]

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As Covid Recedes, Passover Ushers in Season of Hope

Amid continued restrictions and rising vaccinations, Chabad-Lubavitch brings Passover to one and all Passover descended last year upon a world under lockdown. For the first time in memory, individuals and families were forced to “Seder-in-place,” foregoing extended family gatherings for the safety of home. This isolation meant that more Jewish households worldwide hosted their own […]

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The Beer Fiasco

This buds for you! How 2 Brooklyn Rabbis prevented a post-Passover beer ban which would have left many feeling dry. Join virtually for a Date: Wednesday, March 24, 8:30pm Direct Link: ChabadChayil.org/LiveStream Cost: No charge

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The Rebbe in 1964: On Jewish Education, Community, Responsibilty

11 Nissan, corresponding this year to Wednesday, March 24, 2021, marks the birth date of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, who was born in 1902. Jewish communities worldwide will be honoring the day with activities that celebrate the Rebbe’s legacy of Jewish education, Jewish pride and Jewish unity. 27 years after the Rebbe’s […]

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A Bed, a Table, a Chair and a Lamp

A Bed, a Table, a Chair and a Lamp “And she said to her husband, behold now I know that he (the prophet Elisha) is a holy man of God … let us make a small walled upper chamber, and place there for him a bed, a table, a chair, and a lamp…so that he […]

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President Biden Proclaims ‘Education Day’ for Rebbe’s Date of Birth

Proclamation emphasizes compassion and understanding during a time of challenges Emphasizing the importance of people everywhere working together and helping one another with compassion during a global pandemic, the White House released a proclamation designating March 24, 2021, as “Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A,” in honor of the 119th anniversary of the birth of the […]

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Minnesota School for Jewish Women Marks 50 Years With Tribute to the Rebbe

Hundreds of women impacted by Bais Chana Institute share their stories Since it first opened its doors a little more than 50 years ago, Bais Chana Women’s Institute in Minnesota has enriched and empowered thousands of Jewish women in search of a more meaningful experience of Judaism through residential study, part-time classes, vacation retreats, and, […]

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