Florida Chabad Center Opens Online Study Group for Retirees

Yehuda Guberman, a retiree in North Miami Beach, Florida, enjoyed attending weekly study sessions at United Jewish Generations, a Chabad center for seniors in South Florida. Then COVID hit, and the elderly began to isolate and limit social interactions. Classes were suspended.  But not for long. UJG seized the opportunity to open a virtual Torah […]

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The Rebbe Created a Culture

Reflections on the memory and the mission Wherefore I perceived that there is nothing better, than that a man should rejoice in his works; for that is his mission . . . (Ecclesiastes 3:22) “The Rebbe created a culture,” a friend recently remarked in fascination. We were in synagogue on Shavuot, and young mothers had […]

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Six-Hour Global Farbrengen on Impact of the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s Arrival in America

‘Chof Ches Sivan, 80 Years’ Viewers from across the globe joined rabbis and Jewish community leaders for a livestream event on Monday celebrating 80 years since the Rebbe—Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory—and his wife, Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson, of righteous memory, arrived on American soil in 1941, on the 28th day of the […]

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Today in Jewish History: The Eightieth Anniversary of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Arrival in America

Today is the eightieth anniversary of the safe arrival of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson and his wife, Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, on the shores of America after escaping from war-torn Europe.  The couple arrived in Staten Island on June 23, 1941 — Sivan 28, 5701. They had spent over a year on the […]

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It’s a Bonny New Home for Jewish Students at the University of Edinburgh

Chabad center to provide a full range of services for those from Scotland and abroad Filled with elegant medieval architecture, hilly landscapes, lush gardens and a prestigious university that dates back to 1583, Edinburgh, Scotland, will now have a permanent home for vibrant Jewish student life with the building of Chabad’s new center at the […]

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Ep. 3: Kligman Wants To Be First Shabbos-Observant Big Leaguer

Chabad-Lubavitch Headquarters drops the third episode in its series of podcasts about the personal struggles and achievements of Chabad representatives. In Episode 3 of Lamplighters: Stories From Chabad Emissaries On The Jewish Frontier, high school baseball player Elie Kligman tells reporter/producer Gary Waleik about his goal to become the first-ever Major Leaguer to be completely […]

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