Confronting the challenges of Covid, people from across the spectrum of Jewish life flock to Chabad. When the world entered the Covid era in early 2020, life moved online fast. At first, it all seemed temporary; then Covid’s long-term impact became clearer. Through 2020 and into 2021, almost every facet of Jewish community life became […]
What Happens After We Die?
Four-week course on the Jewish idea of an afterlife begins on Tuesday, Nov. 3 We spend our entire lifetimes, well, living life. But how much attention do we pay to what happens after that—when we die? For many, the topic of death is taboo or avoided until it can no longer be ignored. But like […]
Chabad Makes Unexpected Shabbat in Sochi for Israel’s Prime Minister Bennett
Hastily-arranged services and meals for Israel delegation to Russia When the meeting between Israel’s Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Russian President Vladimir Putin in the city of Sochi went on for many more hours than planned last Friday afternoon, it was clear that the Israeli delegation would not be able to fly home for Shabbat. […]
Thousands of Boys to Join Chabad Emissary Conference in Person and Online
International gathering begins on Thursday, Oct. 28 Twelve-year-old Mendy Brook is excited. A resident of St. Petersburg, Russia, he will soon be flying to New York for the first time in his life. He will travel together with his father, Rabbi Chaim Shaul Brook, a Chabad emissary to the teeming metropolis of 5 million residents. […]
Surrounded by 600 Friends, Russian Couple Ties Knot in UAE’s Biggest Jewish Wedding
Wedding came during the yearly FSU-wide Yachad Torah-study program trip They came on chartered flights from five former Soviet countries, celebrating a year of Torah study with their rabbis and rebbetzins in more than 100 cities. The group was headed to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates for a week of inspiration, celebration and, the […]
A Place At The Table
Friday Night @Chabad on Campus It’s more than a free home-cooked meal or a passing cultural experience. For many college students, Shabbat with their Chabad rabbi and rebbetzin is a source of connection and a gateway to other events and classes offered on campus. For some, it’s a steady date that anchors their weekend and […]
Pleasant Outreach
Geula Message from Parshas Vayera with Rabbi Avrohom Yehuda Kievman, Dayan at Melbourne Beis Din, based on the teachings of The Rebbe
‘Of Miracles, Medicine and Mindsets’: A Chabad Couple’s Fight for Their Baby’s Life
A compelling account of parental faith When Rabbi Elie and Chaya Rochel Estrin were preparing to welcome their sixth child into the world, the news that their baby had developed multiple cardiac defects in utero felt like a bombshell. The doctors’ prognosis was grim. The medical conditions were inoperable, and they weren’t sure if the […]
Coming To Shabbos: Batsheva Eadan Hay
“My zaidy called it ‘di heiliger Shabbos’ (the holy Shabbos); my father called it the Shabbos; I call it ‘the Sabbath,’ my children call it ‘Saturday,’ and my grandchildren call it ‘the day before Super Bowl Sunday’.” This pithy anecdote describes a tragic trend among Jews who came over from the Old World and failed, […]
The Ups and Downs and Ups of Jewish Life in Kingston, N.Y.
New mikvah opening Sunday, Oct. 24, highlights community growth KINGSTON, N.Y.—Rabbi Y. Yitzhak Hecht’s sense of humor is as admirable as his sense of determination. When I arrived at Congregation Agudas Achim, he greeted me enthusiastically and playfully with his smartphone in hand, ready to capture my reaction when he introduced me to my namesake, […]