President Trump Marks Oct. 7 With Prayer Visit to Ohel

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Marking one year since the Oct. 7 terror attack in Israel, former President Donald Trump paid a personal prayer visit on Monday afternoon to the Ohel in Queens, N.Y., the resting place of the Rebbe—Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory. Millions of people send their written prayers via email and post to the Ohel, while some 400,000 make pilgrimages […]

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The Tefillin Addict: A Timeless Lesson from Rabbi Sholom Gordon

In the words of Chassidic singer R’ Benny Friedman שיחיה: My grandfather, Rabbi Sholom Gordon of blessed memory, was many things. Among those many things, he was a self-diagnosed “Teffilin addict.” Wherever he went, he went with a pair of Teffilin, just in case he would run into a fellow Jew who hadn’t yet put […]

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Entertaining At His Own Bris – Super Special

The Young Jew, R Avraham who just had his bris at an hour before at age 96 is now entertaining at the special Mitzvah meal/Seudas Mitzvah! At chabad JRCC Toronto. Armin Konn, born 1926 in Ukraine under the oppression of the communist regime, fought withthe Partisans in 1942-43. He then served in the Red Army […]

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