Florida Community Steps Up to Bring Holiday Joy

Every year before Passover, Jewish communities help each other make ends meet. Every year before Passover, Jewish communities observe the time-honored custom to collect and distribute charity to help the needy obtain holiday provisions. Year ago, the Lubavitcher Rebbe urged communities to conduct similar campaigns for the High Holidays. In celebration of its 40th year, […]

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Our Yom Kippur Prayers: Better Than The Angels

Often before key prayers, I offer a thirty-second insight or story about the verse Somewhere in the middle of the cantor’s repetition of the Yom Kippur afternoon Mussaf service, I finally get to concentrate on the prayers for a few minutes. I didn’t really have the chance to do that until now. After all, in […]

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Yom Kippur Escape . . . Nowhere To Hide

Humans have been trying to hide from G-d ever since the days of Adam and Eve. We know it can’t be done, but we try to do it anyway. In my own life, I procrastinate, letting duties of the heart pile up like unopened bills on the kitchen table. Eventually, I realize I’m just fooling […]

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Yom Kippur With The Rebbe

Living in Crown Heights, I had the privilege of spending the High Holidays with the Rebbe As a young adult living in Crown Heights, I had the privilege of spending Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur at 770 with the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Every prayer with the Rebbe powerfully touched me in ways impossible to explain. Watching […]

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Fiftieth Chabad in the Lone Star State

Young couple setting out in October are the fiftieth to serve Texas In October, Rabbi Sholom and Chaya Block will be packing up the home they’ve lived in since their marriage eighteen months ago and setting out to serve the Jewish communities in Allen and McKinney, Texas. The Blocks, along with their newborn daughter, Bina […]

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Cteen Judaism 101 in University Today

Yeshivah University and Cteen partner to give College credits to some 100 students. This fall, some 100 teenagers are expected to register as Yeshiva University non-matriculated students in a ground-breaking course on the tenets of Judaism. In conjunction with CTeen, Chabad’s Teen Network, the  two-credit pilot course will cover topics of history and faith over […]

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Plugged In & Disconnected

The Art of Connecting With Students At UNLV Merav Gedalia, a senior at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, recalls the circumstances that brought her to Chabad. She was accepted to the university three weeks before the start of the new semester, but two days before orientation, her housing options had fallen through. “I reached […]

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Legacy Donors Ensure Chabad House Futures

$70 Million International Program Spurs Planned Giving When Michael and Gail Frye met Chaya and Rabbi Alter Korf a dozen or so years ago, the couple had no idea that they would all become close friends and an important part of each other’s lives. The Fryes already had a strong network of friends and community […]

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Readying for Rosh Hashanah 5780 Around the World

High Holidays are a time for renewed spirituality Ari Shortt is looking forward to celebrating Rosh Hashanah with his community. Shortt, a Ph.D. candidate studying psychology in Guelph, Ontario, will head to his neighborhood Chabad center with his wife, Eva, and two sons, ages 5 and 2, to enjoy the holiday alongside students and locals […]

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