Moshiach: Influencing the Entirety of the Nation!
70 Days For 70 Years: Day 23
Why He Needs to be a Powerful Influencer!
70 Days For 70 Years: Day 22
Moshiach: Serving Hashem in the Image of Dovid HaMelech!
The All for All Synagogue
Inclusion on Long Island Every Shabbat, Rabbi Anchelle Perl invites congregants to step forward with requests for prayers during the traditional Misheberach ceremony. What’s less traditional is the type of requests he solicits. For the last six months, Perl has openly extended his offer to people suffering from all illnesses, mental as well as physical. […]
Geulah Cohen, 93, Israeli Activist, Journalist and Political Leader
Her interviews with the Rebbe were deeply influential on Israeli society Geulah Cohen, a leading Israeli activist and political leader who fought for independence as a member of the Jewish underground during the final years of the British Mandate, and became a mainstay of Israel’s ideological right—first as a journalist and then as a member […]
The man behind the big menorah
Acts of kindness in the 1960s are still being paid back decades later, in the shape of Chabad’s giant menorahs in Essex The public candle-lightings organised by Chabad are now a fixed part of the seasonal calendar. But where do the giant metal menorahs come from? And where do they go for the rest of […]
Rabbi Minkowicz Weekly Torah Lesson Parsha Vayeishev 5780
Chabad opens first Jewish center in south Phoenix
A new Chabad center is coming to south Phoenix, a fast-growing region of the metropolitan area that previously had no synagogues. Rabbi Mendy Rimler and his wife, Sarah, will co-direct the Chabad Jewish Center of South Phoenix. “The first in the area is always a big thing,” said Grant Galas, a local real estate agent […]
Chabad Shliach delivers the final Shiur on Moshiach to 5000 Bnei Torah on Whatsapp & Instagram.
A group of 5000 Bnei Torah that have visiting Rabbis from all over the world learning a specific topic for a week at a time. Last week the topic was Moshiach so they said that for a week long lectures on Moshiach it would only be right to have a “Chabad Rabbi Shliach” teach the […]
70 Days For 70 Years: Day 21
Moshiach: Making Mitzvahs in Hands-on Fashion!