Fundraiser Launched for Victims of Monsey Attack

Chabad centers raise funds after Saturday’s mass stabbing I n the aftermath of Dec. 28 attack at the home of Rabbi Chaim L. Rottenberg in Monsey’s Forshay neighborhood, which wounded five, Chabad centers in Rockland County have started an online fundraiser for the victims and their families. The fund is being supervised and endorsed by […]

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Uruguay’s President-Elect Receives a Menorah

Thirty years earlier, his father had received the Rebbe’s blessing In June 1989, amid what would be a successful run for the presidency of Uruguay, then-Sen. Luis Alberto Lacalle Herrera visited the Rebbe—Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory—for a blessing, proudly showing the Rebbe a book, The Path of the Righteous Gentile, that he […]

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A Festival of Jewish Book Purchases on the ‘Holiday of Books’

Record purchases in stores and online mark historic day in modern Chassidic history With more than 2,000 volumes in its vast catalogue, Kehot Publication Society is the world’s leading publisher of Jewish books. Yet nearly 20 percent of their annual sales takes place during a single week in late December or early January. That’s when […]

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Do We Need Anti-Semitism To Keep Us Jewish?

In 1962, Harvey Swados, an American novelist and social critic, visited the Lubavitcher Rebbe. He wanted the Rebbe’s opinions on issues related to the Holocaust.  Swados’s account of that discussion, which appeared in The New York Times some thirty years later, is of particular interest today, as anti-Semitism is once again normalized on the streets of major […]

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Soul Lights

Man’s soul is G-d’s lamp… (Proverbs 20:27) Sitting with the Rebbe’s shluchim at the closing session of the Annual International Conference of Chabad Lubavitch Emissaries near the end of November, I felt the enormous spiritual power concentrated in the cavernous hall. Scanning  the room, I saw the faces of three generations of shluchim stationed on […]

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In Iowa, Bernie Sanders Lights a Public Menorah

He was an early proponent of public lightings as mayor of Burlington, Vt. U.S. Senator and presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders lit a large public menorah at Chabad-Lubavitch of Iowa’s Chanukah celebration on the eighth and final night of Chanukah. Sanders briefly addressed those gathered, recalling his father, who emigrated from Poland to flee anti-Semitic attacks. […]

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