Fund established to aid in the recovery from strongest quake since 1918 Puerto Rico’s Chabad-Lubavitch representatives have been called into action once again as disaster-relief providers and are reaching out to others for help after two devastating earthquakes rocked the island nation, killing one and triggering an appeal by the government for an immediate $130 […]
Amid Catastrophic Bushfires, Hope and Support From Australia’s Jewish Community
The Friday before she lost her home, Verne Dove went with her family to a Shabbat dinner in Coffs Harbour, a small coastal city in New South Wales, Australia. “It was like an apocalypse; 5 o’clock in the afternoon, and everything was orange. It was the most eerie thing I’ve ever experienced,” Dove tells […]
5 Shluchim Consecrate a New Jewish Cemetery for the Southwest Florida Jewish Community.
Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida under the leadership of Shliach Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz consecrated a new Jewish cemetery for the Southwest Florida Jewish Community. The Cemetery is being dedicated by Dr. James & Betty Rubenstein in Memory of Betty’s mother Chava Rabinowitz & will be named Chava’s Garden. To concentrate the Garden 5 Shluchim, Rabbi […]
Rabbi Cunin Encourages Preparation for Yud Shevat
Black Fire, White Fire
Although it’s a staple of the synagogue service, the reading of the Torah remains something of a mystery to many. The Torah portion is recited in a language that few congregants know well. Fewer still are familiar with what it takes to perform a proper leining, the intricate origins of the practice, or, for that […]
70 Days For 70 Years: Day 39
Is it important to have an idea of what the world will be like when Mashiach finally comes?!
Chabad Girl on Israeli Shark Tank
The Rebbe on a Russian billboard
The Seventy Year Campaign Has Begun!
Today in Jewish History: Asarah (10) B’Tevet
On the 10th of Tevet in the Hebrew year 3336 (425 BCE), the army of Babylonian emperor Nebuchadnezzar surrounded Jerusalem’s stone walls and laid siege on the city. This was the beginning of the end of the first Beit Hamikdash; on the 17th of Tammuz, 3338, the city walls were breached, and three weeks later, […]