Five Towns Orthodox shuls are closed because of coronavirus

After a meeting that lasted several hours on March 12, at least 14 Five Towns rabbis decided to shutdown the Orthodox synagogues. “We are writing to inform you that we have made the excruciating decision that our shuls will be closed for all services, [Torah lessons], classes, children and adult programming effective today, Friday, March […]

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A Glimpse of Infinity in the Midst of Crystal Lake

In Judaism, we are taught that the Jewish soul is eternal, that it lives forever. Whenever I thought about the concept of “forever” or “infinity,” it seemed very difficult to grasp. After all, everything in our physical world has a beginning and an end. No matter how long-lived a redwood or sequoia tree is—whether 500 […]

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10 Classic Jewish Teachings About the Moon

1. The Hebrew Calendar Is Based on the Moon At the cusp of the Exodus, G‑d commanded Moses regarding the Hebrew calendar. Each time witnesses spotted the sliver of a burgeoning moon in the night sky, the start of the new month was declared. The month Nisan, which coincides with the budding of spring—the season […]

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How to Pray the Shabbat Prayers at Home

While you may be unable to attend services this Shabbat—either as a result of quarantine or due to synagogues canceling services—this does not mean that you cannot pray the Shabbat prayers. Of course, the ideal way to pray is in synagogue with a quorum of ten. However, with a little adaptation, the Shabbat prayers can […]

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I’ve Lost My Sense of Certainty…

This coronavirus thing has really thrown me. I feel like I’ve lost all sense of certainty. No one knows what will happen next. How do we stay sane when we don’t know what’s lurking around the corner? Answer: It is not that we have lost our sense of certainty. We have lost our illusion of […]

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Coronavirus Quarantine Kaddish Service

If you are unable to make it to services to say kaddish for a loved one due to Coronavirus, we’re here to help by ensuring that the mourner’s kaddish will be said in synagogue in their merit. Simply fill out the form below, and our volunteers will lovingly help you memorialize your dear departed. Please […]

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