Lamplighters 1 Year Anniversary: Our Favorite Stories

In Episode 23 of Lamplighters: Stories From Chabad Emissaries On The Jewish Frontier, reporter/producer Gary Waleik presents a quartet of the series’ most popular stories to mark the one-year anniversary of its first episode. They include the fight of a Chabad couple to save their baby, the work of an emissary to help people recovering from drug addiction in South Africa, a dual liver donor, and two Rebbetzins from Ukraine who fled but are still tending to their communities as they disperse around the globe. 

Lamplighters: Stories From Chabad Emissaries On The Jewish Frontier is produces moving, beautifully produced, sound-rich and often surprising stories of Chabad shluchim and the people they inspire in every corner of the world. 

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To pitch a story for our podcast about Chabad emissaries email us at [email protected].


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