Jewish Agency Hears About Chabads in Small Towns

Jewish Agency Hears About Chabads in Small Towns

The Board of Governors Meeting of the Jewish Agency for Israel held in Tel Aviv hosted a Chabad Shliach to speak about Chabad’s activities and growth in small towns and communities around America.

The Board of Governors Meeting of the Jewish Agency for Israel, the largest Jewish nonprofit organization in the world, is currently being held in Tel Aviv.

Jewish Agency Hears About Chabads in Small Towns
Jewish Agency Hears About Chabads in Small Towns

One of its presenters was Rabbi Dovid Eliezrie, Director of North County Chabad Center in Yorba Linda, California, and a Board Member of the Jewish Agency.

Rabbi Eliezrie, who recently wrote the book “The Secret of Chabad,” gave a presentation about Chabad in general and the activities of the Shluchim living in small towns and communities.

Rabbi Eliezrie gave an overview, region by region, including Asia, Africa, Central and South America, Europe, and smaller Jewish communities in the United States were Chabad has been expanding in recent years.

Board Members, Jewish leaders from around the world and staff of the Jewish Agency were able to gain a greater understanding of the Chabad growth in the smaller communities.

“Today there is a great appreciation of the vast reach of Chabad on the global Jewish stage,” he explained.

Gusti Yehoshua-Braverman, Head of the Department for Diaspora Activities in World Zionist Organization’s (WZO), noted: “This presentation will help us understand areas where we can work together.”

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