International Conference Of Shluchim 2021 Gala Banquet

The 38th International Conference Of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries concluded with a gala banquet attended by Chabad Rabbis and their partners and supporters. The evening celebrated Chabad’s achievements over the past two years and reflected on the hardships emissaries encounter in the course of their work. Throughout the evening, stories were shared that drew into focus the strength Chabad Rabbis have drawn from the initial setbacks they faced. 

On the mend from a battle with an illness, Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, vice chairman of Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch, resolved to initiate a string of new projects to boost Chabad’s efforts drawing strength from his own struggle. In the keynote address, Mr. Dovid Lichtenstein, founder and CEO of the Lightstone Group, expressed his gratitude to Chabad’s emissaries for their sacrifices on behalf of world Jewry. Rabbi Mendy Sternbach, director of Chabad of Lagos, Nigeria, dwelled upon the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s emphasis that “the darker the night, the brighter the morning.” Speaking from the dais, Rabbi Ari Laine, director of Chabad of Panama, summed up the message of the evening; “The Rebbe’s approach was ‘Build, and you will be comforted.’”


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