Hybrid Conference Of Chabad Lubavitch Shluchos Begins

Thousands join virtual programming alongside scaled-back in-person reunion.

In ordinary times, the international conference of Chabad women representatives — known simply as the Kinus — drew over 3,000 women from around the world to Brooklyn, New York. The Covid-19 pandemic forced the event to go entirely online last year. With the Omicron variant raging, this year’s Kinus is being billed as a “hybrid-event,” with an entirely virtual program accompanying cautious in-person programming. 

In line with the advice of medical professionals, the four days of workshops, symposia, and inspiration will be fully available to shluchos online. For those low-risk individuals who wish to participate in person in a safe and responsible way, in-person sessions are also on offer.

The Kinus is timed to coincide with the 22nd of Sh’vat, the date that marks the passing of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson, wife of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, and revolves around the theme “Welcome Home.” Stressing the unique contributions of Jewish women in education and their outsized role in the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s vision to “make the world G-d’s home,” the programming will offer opportunities for inspiration as well as practical resources.

This year’s scaled-back program will not include the gala banquet which is typically the culmination of the program. However after three days of workshops and an uplifting Shabbos of reuniting with old friends, a letter of supplication will be written on behalf of all the shluchos to be read at the gravesite of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

Source: https://www.lubavitch.com/hybrid-conference-of-chabad-lubavitch-shluchos-begins/

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