The following is a partial list of victims Niftar from the COVID-19 pandemic just from Tuesday morning until 9:00PM. Unfortunately, there are many more, but YWN does not have all the information. YWN has only published the names we were given. If you have any info to add, please contact YWN with the info.
While many people find these posts disturbing, many are requesting that YWN keep publishing the names and photos of as many victims are we can.
R’ Boruch Aharon Zilberman Z”L. He was 63.

R’ Yitzchok Steinberg Z”L. For over thirty years, Rabbi Steinberg was a beloved rebbi at Yeshiva Torah Temimah, teacher and director of the yeshiva’s boys’ minyan, bringing his expertise in chinuch and his love for talmidim each and every day. He was a dedicated mispallel at the Tenke Bais Midrash in Boro Park. His sudden passing has plunged his family and generations of parents and talmidim into mourning. Rabbi Steinberg leaves behind his wife, Mrs. Fraidy Steinberg, and their wonderful family including 6 unmarried children. A FUND HAS BEEN SET UP TO ASSIST THE FAMILY

R’ Betzalel Bertram Z”L. He was 70. He was one of the owners of the Bertram Food Company.

R Elya Gelbert Z”L. He was around 90. A Holocaust survivor, he was one of the elder and Choshuvim of the Gerrer Chassidim.

R Beirish Berger Z”L. He was around 75.

R’ Chaim Yechezkel Shraga Dahan Z”L. He wa 54. Rabbi Dahan was a beloved Pre1A Rebbi at Yeshivat Shaare Torah in Flatbush. He was a well-known speaker and inspired thousands of Yidden with his speeches.

R’ Yosef Zundel Motzen Z”L. He was around 90 and a Holocaust survivor.

R’ Betzalel Kahan Z”L. He was 90 and a survivor of Kristallnacht and the Holocaust. He was the longtime administrator Tzelihm Cheder in Williamsburg.

R’ Mordechai (Mottel) Leib Chein Z”L. He was approximately 82.

R’ Zelig Gottlieb Z”L, a long-time resident of Crown Heights who was known as a devoted Chosid who was dedicated to the Rebbe’s Mivtzoim, passed away. He was 71.

Rabbi Chaim Shmuel Menachem Mendel Liberow, patriarch of a large Chabad family, passed away on Tuesday, 6 Nissan, 5780 in London, England.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)