Finding High Holiday Services Is Easier Than Ever with the New Chabad Locator

Google maps-based directory offers a world of detail for thousands of centers

Every day, thousands of people in every nook and cranny of the planet search for a Chabad-Lubavitch center close to home, and that is never more true than before the High Holidays. Whether looking for a welcoming place to pray on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur; locations to hear the Shofar in public; a place to celebrate on Sukkot and Simchat Torah; or a local rabbi or rebbetzin to talk to or for answers to questions about Jewish life and law, the directory has long been the go-to place for millions in search of a Chabad center nearby.

This High Holiday season, the ongoing coronavirus pandemic again has many people’s plans in flux, and searchers have a new tool in hand that makes finding Chabad centers, programs and events easier and more effective than ever: The entirely revamped Chabad Locator available at

Combining the power of Google maps and the ingenuity of’s development team, the new directory maps out a global view of the incredibly vast network of thousands of Chabad-Lubavitch centers worldwide in great detail. Chabad-Lubavitch is the largest Jewish organization in the world, with 3,500 educational, religious and social service institutions in more than 100 countries and territories. According to the Pew Research Center, some 38 percent of American Jews or 2.2 million people, report engaging with Chabad. That level of engagement extends to Jewish communities large and small around the world.

The new platform enables those who want to connect with Chabad to easily identify the unique offerings and the location of each center, along with contact information, a list of available services and other pertinent information.

The beta version of the new directory launched a few months ago in advance of 3 Tammuz, the anniversary of the passing of the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory. While a practical guide, the Chabad Locator is also a window into the extent of the ongoing and growing impact the Rebbe continues to have on Jewish life around the globe, bringing the beauty, depth and joy of Judaism to every corner of the earth. Each one of the thousands of Chabad centers around the world—from frozen tundras to sunny beaches, inner cities to leafy suburbs—are facets of the Rebbe’s influence and global vision.

The new directory not only makes it easy to locate Chabad Houses around the world, but details programs and services offered at each center.

A Service Always in Demand

The new Chabad Locator is not just for those looking for a Chabad center close to home. Throughout the year, globetrotters can use the directory when looking for Shabbat and holiday services, Torah study classes, the nearest public menorah-lighting, a kosher meal, a place to pray, or even a place to go on vacation or move to that has a Chabad center and Jewish schools nearby.

Utilizing customizable filters, users can instantly narrow a search for Chabad centers that fit the most specific needs—for example, only centers providing a Hebrew school, hospital visitation or daily synagogue services.

With the new map-centric view, in addition to being able to connect the world more efficiently with the 5,000 emissary couples and the institutions they run, it’s now easier to appreciate the reach, impact and scope of Chabad worldwide.

To locate a Chabad-Lubavitch center near you, click here.


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