Critically Injured Monsey Victim Is a Beloved Scholar Who Collected for the Poor

Those who know him all use the same Yiddish words to describe 72-year-old Yosef Neumann, who was brutally stabbed at a Chanukah celebration in Monsey, N.Y., and remains in critical condition: “He is a fartzeitishe Chassidisher Yid,” a Chassidic Jew from a bygone era, an unending font of Chassidic stories, anecdotes, and adages. Although he suffered from health conditions in recent months and used a walker, when the attacker entered the Chanukah celebration, he tried to fight him back with his cane and even attempted to throw a table at him.

To many regular worshippers at the synagogue he frequented, the spiritual center of the Kosson Chassidic group, to which his family had belonged for generations, he was known as a persistent collector of tzedakah for the poor. With a bag in hand, he would ask everyone who entered the synagogue for a donation in Hungarian-accented English or Yiddish.

To the close-knit group of young Chassidim who gravitated around him for decades, he is an impressive scholar, well versed in all areas of Jewish teaching, from Talmud to Kabbalah.

And to the poor families in Israel who benefitted from his funds, he was an agent of mercy. “He never kept a penny for himself,” revealed Yosef Eliyahu Gluck, a close friend and hero of the horrific episode who successfully chased away the attacker with a table. “He used to go through a lot of effort to take care of ‘his families,’ people everyone else overlooked. He used to exchange the money he collected for crisp $100 bills to make sure the families would have no problem using the money as soon as they got it.”

The attack took place after Rabbi Chaim L. Rottenberg, the Rebbe of Kosson, had kindled the menorah on the seventh night of the holiday in the presence of family and community members. As those gathered began to leave and make their way to the synagogue next door, witnesses say the attacker calmly walked in, drew his weapon and said: “No one is going anywhere.”

He then began swinging his machete wildly at people in the room, injuring five. In a press conference today, the family detailed the numerous serious injuries Neumann suffered in the attack. He sustained multiple injuries, including a fractured skull, a sliced neck and a fractured arm.

Even as Neumann’s family reported that his medical prognosis seems dim, they expressed their faith, asked the public to continue to pray for him and that they were confident that G-d had a plan for him.

Devoted to Torah, from Hungary to America

Neumann was born in 1947 in post-Holocaust Szerencs, a town in northern Hungary with a rich Jewish history. His father, Rabbi Mechele Neumann, was a devoted Chassid and a well regarded Torah scholar. As the new Communist regime tightened its grip on the tattered remains of Hungarian Jewry, it became clear to the Neumanns that their future lay elsewhere. But it was too late. The borders to the West had been sealed shut.

Their chance came in 1956, during the short-lived Hungarian revolution. In the chaos of the uprising, many Jewish families, including the Neumanns, managed to escape into Austria. Nine years old at the time, Yosef was carried over the border in a bag with his mouth stuffed to prevent him from calling out in fright.

The family remained for a while in Vienna, where Rabbi Mechele served as rabbi. Yet, even while there, his focus was global. One of the fundamentals of Judaism is the observance of family purity (niddah). Recognizing that this mitzvah was becoming neglected, the rabbi had literature printed in dozens of languages, which he then distributed to communities around the world.

This labor of love would eventually be passed on to his son, Yosef, who worked closely with Chabad rabbis around the world to distribute his booklets. Yosef met privately with the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, three times in the 1960s and frequently visited the Rebbe’s synagogue to attend farbrengens and study Chabad teachings.

A natural scholar who was rarely seen unaccompanied by a Torah book, Yosef tried his hand at several professions but none seemed to take hold. He ran a grocery store in Brooklyn, drove a milk delivery truck, and then opened a fish market. But his main occupation was always the joyous study of Torah.

In recent years, he lived in the lower level of the complex where he was attacked and which housed both the residence of the Rebbe of Kosson and his synagogue.

“I would often visit him on Shabbos,” says Gluck. “He would enjoy his meal with a stack of six or seven seforim (holy books). That was his pleasure.”

“He’s like everyone’s uncle,” adds his brother-in-law, Yisroel Kraus, who studied with him on a regular basis. “We young students used to like to talk with him and learn with him. He knew about everything and taught us little-known aspects of Torah, which are not widely taught in yeshivah.”

For every occasion and for every Torah topic, he seemed to have a gematria, a hidden connection couched in the numerical value of the Hebrew letters.

“To us, he has always been someone special,” says Kraus, “He lived and breathed Chassidus, a glimpse into a past generation.”

Even as Neumann’s family reported that his medical prognosis seems dim, they expressed their faith, asked the public to continue to pray for him and that they were confident that G‑d had a plan for him.

The public is asked to pray for Yosef ben (the son of) Perel

Funds are currently being raised for the victims and their families. Click here to contribute.


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