Completed List of 45 Victims of the Tragedy in Meron

Adults and children among the deceased

The identification of the victims of the Meron tragedy concluded after Shabbat, and authorities released a complete list of the deceased.

Ariel Ahdut, 21; a student at Yesodot HaTorah yeshivah in Tel Aviv.

Rabbi Yisrael Alnakvah, 24, of Beit Shemesh; a father of two.

Avrohom Daniel Ambon, 21, of Argentina; student at Yeshivas Heichal Yitzchak in Jerusalem.

Moshe Ben-Shalom, 20, of Bnei Brak, Israel; student at Yeshivas Ponavezh.

Rabbi Moshe Bergman, 24; a student at the Mir Yeshiva in Jerusalem.

Rabbi Yonoson Chevroni of Givat Shmuel, Israel; a father of three daughters.

Yedidya Chayut, 13, of Bnei Brak, Israel.

Eliyahu Cohen, 16, of Beitar Ilit, Israel; a student at Yeshivas Heichal Avraham.

Rabbi Simcha Bunim Diskind, 23, of Beit Shemesh, Israel.

Chen Doron, 41, of Holon.

Moshe Mordechai Elchad-Scharf, 12, of Jerusalem.

Yosef Dovid Elchad-Scharf, 18, of Jerusalem.

Moshe Natan Englander, 14, of Jerusalem.

Yehoshua Englander, 9, of Jerusalem.

Mordechai Yoel Fekete, 23.

Yedidya Fogel, 22, of Givat Shmuel; a student at Yeshivas Hatziyonit Hadatit.

Elazar Gefner, 52, of Jerusalem.

Rabbi Shragi Gestetner, 35, of Monsey, N.Y.; a well-known singer and composer.

Rabbi Eliezer Mordechai Goldberg, 37, of Beitar Illit, Israel; a teacher at Talmud Torah Aderes Eliyahu.

Rabbi Yosef Greenbaum, 22, of Haifa.

Rabbi Eliezer Tzvi Joseph, 26, of Kiryas Joel, Monroe, N.Y.; a father of four.

Nachman Kirschbaum, 15, of Beit Shemesh, Israel.

Rabbi Shmuel Tzvi Klagsbald, 34, of Beitar, Israel; a Torah scholar at Maor Einayim.

Menachem Knoblowitz, 22, of Brooklyn, N.Y.

Yossi Kohn, 21, of Cleveland, Ohio; a student at Mir Yeshiva in Jerusalem.

Eliezer Yitzchok Koltai, 13, of Jerusalem; formerly of Passaic, N.J.

Rabbi Dovid Krause, 33, of Beit Shemesh, Israel, survived by his wife and nine children.

Shlomo Zalman Leibovitch, 19, of Tzefat; a student at Knesset Yehezkel Yeshiva.

Yosef Yehuda Levi, 17, of Rechashim, Israel.

Moshe Levy, 14, of Bnei Brak.

Yosef Mastorov, 26, of Ramle Israel; a student at Yeshiva Rinah Shel Torah in Carmiel.

Rabbi Shimon Matlon, 37, of Beitar Ilit; teacher in Talmud Torah Chanichei Hayeshivos.

Yishai Me’ulam, 17, of Rechashim, Israel.

Nachman Daniel (Doni) Morris, 19, of Teaneck, N.J.; a student at Sha’alavim.

Chaim Rock, 18, of Beit Shemesh, Israel; a student at Yeshivas Mir-Brachfeld in Modi’in Ilit.

Yehuda Leib Rubin, 27, of Beit Shemesh, Israel; a father of three.

Rabbi Chaim Ozer Seller, 24, of Jerusalem; a father of two, one was born two weeks before the tragedy.

Elkanah Shilah, 29, of Jerusalem.

Rabbi Chanoch Slod, 52, of Ashdod, Israel.

Dov Steinmetz, of Montreal; a student at Mir Yeshiva in Jerusalem.

Yaakov Elchanan Strakovsky, 20, of Elad, Israel; student at Yeshiva Be’er Yisrael.

Yosef Amram Tauber, of Monsey, N.Y., a student at Yeshivas Brisk in Jerusalem.

Rabbi Ariel Tzadik, 56, of Jerusalem.

Rabbi Moshe Tzarfati, 65, of Jerusalem; a father of four children and 25 grandchildren.

Rabbi Menachem Asher Zakbach, 24, of Kiryat Sefer, Israel.

This list was published in Jerusalem after the close of the Shabbat.


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