Adults and children among the deceased

The identification of the victims of the Meron tragedy concluded after Shabbat, and authorities released a complete list of the deceased.
Ariel Ahdut, 21; a student at Yesodot HaTorah yeshivah in Tel Aviv.
Rabbi Yisrael Alnakvah, 24, of Beit Shemesh; a father of two.
Avrohom Daniel Ambon, 21, of Argentina; student at Yeshivas Heichal Yitzchak in Jerusalem.
Moshe Ben-Shalom, 20, of Bnei Brak, Israel; student at Yeshivas Ponavezh.
Rabbi Moshe Bergman, 24; a student at the Mir Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
Rabbi Yonoson Chevroni of Givat Shmuel, Israel; a father of three daughters.
Yedidya Chayut, 13, of Bnei Brak, Israel.
Eliyahu Cohen, 16, of Beitar Ilit, Israel; a student at Yeshivas Heichal Avraham.
Rabbi Simcha Bunim Diskind, 23, of Beit Shemesh, Israel.
Chen Doron, 41, of Holon.
Moshe Mordechai Elchad-Scharf, 12, of Jerusalem.
Yosef Dovid Elchad-Scharf, 18, of Jerusalem.
Moshe Natan Englander, 14, of Jerusalem.
Yehoshua Englander, 9, of Jerusalem.
Mordechai Yoel Fekete, 23.
Yedidya Fogel, 22, of Givat Shmuel; a student at Yeshivas Hatziyonit Hadatit.
Elazar Gefner, 52, of Jerusalem.
Rabbi Shragi Gestetner, 35, of Monsey, N.Y.; a well-known singer and composer.
Rabbi Eliezer Mordechai Goldberg, 37, of Beitar Illit, Israel; a teacher at Talmud Torah Aderes Eliyahu.
Rabbi Yosef Greenbaum, 22, of Haifa.
Rabbi Eliezer Tzvi Joseph, 26, of Kiryas Joel, Monroe, N.Y.; a father of four.
Nachman Kirschbaum, 15, of Beit Shemesh, Israel.
Rabbi Shmuel Tzvi Klagsbald, 34, of Beitar, Israel; a Torah scholar at Maor Einayim.
Menachem Knoblowitz, 22, of Brooklyn, N.Y.
Yossi Kohn, 21, of Cleveland, Ohio; a student at Mir Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
Eliezer Yitzchok Koltai, 13, of Jerusalem; formerly of Passaic, N.J.
Rabbi Dovid Krause, 33, of Beit Shemesh, Israel, survived by his wife and nine children.
Shlomo Zalman Leibovitch, 19, of Tzefat; a student at Knesset Yehezkel Yeshiva.
Yosef Yehuda Levi, 17, of Rechashim, Israel.
Moshe Levy, 14, of Bnei Brak.
Yosef Mastorov, 26, of Ramle Israel; a student at Yeshiva Rinah Shel Torah in Carmiel.
Rabbi Shimon Matlon, 37, of Beitar Ilit; teacher in Talmud Torah Chanichei Hayeshivos.
Yishai Me’ulam, 17, of Rechashim, Israel.
Nachman Daniel (Doni) Morris, 19, of Teaneck, N.J.; a student at Sha’alavim.
Chaim Rock, 18, of Beit Shemesh, Israel; a student at Yeshivas Mir-Brachfeld in Modi’in Ilit.
Yehuda Leib Rubin, 27, of Beit Shemesh, Israel; a father of three.
Rabbi Chaim Ozer Seller, 24, of Jerusalem; a father of two, one was born two weeks before the tragedy.
Elkanah Shilah, 29, of Jerusalem.
Rabbi Chanoch Slod, 52, of Ashdod, Israel.
Dov Steinmetz, of Montreal; a student at Mir Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
Yaakov Elchanan Strakovsky, 20, of Elad, Israel; student at Yeshiva Be’er Yisrael.
Yosef Amram Tauber, of Monsey, N.Y., a student at Yeshivas Brisk in Jerusalem.
Rabbi Ariel Tzadik, 56, of Jerusalem.
Rabbi Moshe Tzarfati, 65, of Jerusalem; a father of four children and 25 grandchildren.
Rabbi Menachem Asher Zakbach, 24, of Kiryat Sefer, Israel.
This list was published in Jerusalem after the close of the Shabbat.