Chabad Teens Create Blankets For Needy

HIGHLAND — In the spirit of Thanksgiving, Jewish teens from across the Orange County gathered to create beautiful fleece blankets for a local shelter. The event was dedicated to Adi Wolff, of Monroe, who had been a member of the CTeen group and passed two years ago.

Twenty-five teens attended the event, in which CTeen advisors Leia Young and Chaya Flamer, along with Chana Burston led a discussion on how meaningful it is to do good deeds in honor of someone who has passed.

“Nothing feels as good as giving as it’s everlasting” Chana Burston told the teens, “and when we do a good deed – it creates a ripple effect in the world. Joy we feel from material possessions is short-lived – but when we give to others, that joy is deeper and remains within us.”

Chana Burston co- directs Chabad of Orange County in Highland with her husband, Rabbi Pesach, and is excited that the local teen chapter has grown each year. CTeen is an International Chabad club for Jewish teens, each city runs their own chapter as part of a network.

“Last night’s event was definitely fulfilling and all-around heartwarming!” says Rachel Kogan, a Junior at Monroe Woodbury, whose family hosted the event in their Highland Mills home. “It was so nice getting all of us teens together to give up some of our time to do good, especially in memory of someone close and dear to all of us. I know many of us miss and think about Adi every day, and getting to give back to the community is something he always wanted. Bringing everyone together for a few hours of fun was much needed”.

“It was awesome to make blankets knowing they will help people in shelters stay warm this winter,” says Gavin Reich of Monroe.

Rachel Kogan and Gavin Reich are the chapter’s local CTeen leaders and were both close friends of Adi Wolff.

“Adi would want us to get together and do kind deeds – he was always helping other people,” adds Reich.

Teens also enjoyed socializing and playing games, as well as a delicious taco bar.

For more info on local CTeen events, log into or call 782-2770.


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