Chabad offers ‘Purim in Israel’ community party on March 10

Chabad of Orange County, led by Rabbi Pesach and Chana Burston, invites the community to a grand Purim in Israel party on Tuesday, March 10, 5:30 p.m., at the Monroe Town Senior Center, 101 Mine Road in Monroe.

The Israel-themed party will offer a buffet dinner – including falafel, shawarma, bourekas, hummus and more. The “Sweets from the Shuk” will feature halva, baklava as well as Hamantashen, the traditional Purim Pastry. There will also be a masquerade, entertainment, raffles and prizes. This event is geared for all, regardless of affiliation and background.

The festive event will also highlight the four mitzvot or commandments of Purim:

1) “Megillah” – Reading the Scroll of Esther, chronicling the Purim story of Mordechai and Esther’s victory over villain Haman’s plot to annihilate the Jewish people.

2) “Mishloach Manot” – Gifts of food, to be exchanged with friends on Purim.

3) “Matanot L’evyomin” – Charity for the needy.

4) “Mishteh” – Festive Feast.

The entertainers for the event will be an interactive drum circle with percussionist Marlon Sobol.

Chabad’s original spin on this age-old holiday has helped bring the spirit of Purim to Orange County year after year.

“It combines ancient Jewish traditions with a modern twist,” said Rabbi Pesach. “We focus on doing interesting and innovative programs that will maximize the enjoyment for young and old alike, yet still keeping with the holiday theme”.

The holiday of Purim celebrates the salvation of the Jewish people living in the fourth century from Haman’s plot to annihilate the entire Jewish nation. It is observed by public readings of the Megillah (or Scroll of Esther), sending food to friends, giving gifts of money to the poor, and enjoying a festive meal. A time-honored Purim custom is to dress up and disguise oneself—an allusion to the fact that the miracle of Purim was disguised in natural garments. This is also the significance behind a traditional Purim food, the “hamantash”—a pastry whose filling is hidden within a three-cornered crust.

In addition to Purim in Israel, Chabad is also offering a Megillah Reading on Purim eve, Monday, March 9, 7 p.m., at the Chabad Center, 1170 Route 17M, Suite 1 (upper level parking lot), Chester.

For more info and to register for the Purim events, contact Rabbi Pesach and Chana Burston at 845-782-2770, visit On its website, Chabad also offers a comprehensive Purim guide.

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