Chabad Jewish Center of Holmdel Lead Successful Unity Parade to thank Bayshore Medical Center and First Responders

Holmdel, NJ:  It was a great way to get out of the house, join in a meaningful Jewish Holiday and show appreciation for our hospital workers at Bayshore Medical Center, and our first responders. The entire community was invited to join in the LAG BA’OMER CAR PARADE, A SALUTE TO FIRST RESPONDERS AND HEALTHCARE WORKERS!  The event was held this past Tuesday, May 12th and was organized by Jewish Center of Holmdel. 

The meeting point was at Bell Works Parking lot P5. A Holmdel Police Escort lead the procession, followed by a large banner truck and live music. First the appreciation parade passed by to thank the Holmdel First aid squad, Holmdel Police Department and the finale; Bayshore Medical Center.

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