Chabad hosts ‘Purim in the Circus’

Purim festivities at Chabad of St. Augustine will take “center ring” this year when participants enjoy kosher circus favorites while masquerading in their favorite ringleader costume.

“Purim in the Circus” is Chabad’s creative twist to this year’s community celebration of Purim, the holiday commemorating the Jewish people’s salvation in Persia of old. The festivities will be held at Chabad of St. Augustine at 7:45 p.m. Monday, March 9.

Billed as the most joyous date on the Jewish calendar, the daylong holiday commemorates the nullification in 356 B.C.E. of a Persian decree calling for the extermination of the Jewish people throughout the Persian Empire as told in the biblical Book of Esther. Chabad’s original spin on this age-old holiday has helped bring the spirit of Purim to St. Augustine year after year.

“Purim in the Circus will combine ancient Jewish traditions with a modern twist,” said Rabbi Vogel of Chabad. “We focus on doing interesting and innovative programs, yet still keeping with the holiday theme.”

The event is a community-wide program, and all are welcome to join, regardless of Jewish affiliation or background. Participants will enjoy a multimedia Megillah reading, themed refreshments, hamantashen and graggers.

In the spirit of Purim, participants are encouraged to come in circus themed costumes – or any costume.

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