Statement By Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky

The world Jewish community is reeling from the tragedy that occurred last night, on the eve of Lag B’omer, at Mt. Meron, in the Holy Land of Israel.
We mourn and grieve the loss of so many lives, which took place at this joyous, historic event. Our hearts are with the families and the communities of the bereaved. May G-d console them, and heal the terrible heartbreak in our midst.
Lag B’omer is a day marked by expressions of Jewish unity. In unity, we elicit Divine blessings. It is for this reason, that Chabad’s scheduled Lag B’omer events will move forward in modified fashion to honor the lives lost and to pray for the wounded.
May the unity of the Jewish people, especially on Lag B’omer, bring true healing to the grieving families and to all of us who grieve with them.