Chabad Counts Over 130 New Emissary Couples Since Last Year’s Conference

The thirty-first annual International Conference of Shluchim (or simply, the Kinus) is taking place this weekend in Brooklyn, New York. Among the 5,800 directors and lay leaders of Chabad centers in 100 countries who are expected to attend, over 130 of them will be attending the conference for the first time as new emissaries. 

New centers have been opened all over the world, in Kigali, Rwanda and Troy, Michigan. And couples have joined the staff at existing centers from Winchester, Virginia to Hong Kong.

The four-day convention is a chance for the representatives to network, share ideas and gain inspiration. Tens of workshops, lectures and general sessions cover a wide variety of topics from fundraising tips, to halachic debates, to conversations on mental health. Themes are tailored to the gamut of the Shluchim’s experience, from those in long-established communities to those just starting out, for those in large Jewish meccas and those who count just tens of Jews in their vicinity. Though it’s been on the schedule before, a listed session on security upgrades for Chabad institutions has never been more relevant.

The conference will end with a gala banquet on Sunday evening, dubbed the ‘world’s largest kosher sit-down dinner.’ For live coverage of the kinus and banquet, follow Lubavitch HQ on instagram.

Read about some of Chabad’s newest emissaries here:

South Bronx, NY: Jewish Revival in the Birthplace of Hip-Hop

S. Miguel de Allende, Mexico: Historic Meixcan Village Welcomes Chabad Presence

Arlington Heights, IL: Chicago Suburb Gets First Jewish Presence

Takayama and 5. Kyoto, Japan: Two New Centers Open in Japan in Time for Passover

Kigali, Rwanda: Twenty Five Years After Genocide, Rwanda Rebounds

Hong Kong: Amid Unrest, New Emissaries Join Chabad of Hong Kong

Allen and McKinney, TX: Fiftieth Chabad in the Lone Star State

The Diskin family, Chabad representatives to Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles
The Gerelitzky family, Chabad representatives to Hawaii


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