Italian Artist Depicts ‘Jewish Ritual Murder’ of Christian Child

On March 24, an Italian artist unveiled a new painting, featuring Jews killing a Christian child. The Jerusalem Post reported that Giovanni Gasparro’s “The Martyrdom of St. Simon of Trento in accordance with Jewish ritual murder” depicted “a group of hook-nosed Jews with peyot and yellow, uneven teeth strangling the child and draining his blood.” […]

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Expanding: Chabad Jewish Community Center in Burlington

Rabbi Eliyahu Junik, left, talks with contractor Dan Nugent in a synagogue under construction at Chabad of Burlington on March 16, 2020. Offices, a library and kosher cafe will occupy the lower floor of the 6,000 square foot building addition. A view from the west: An addition to the Chabad of Burlington Jewish community center […]

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U.S. Attorney Brewer reassures Jewish community on security

SAN DIEGO — U.S. Attorney Robert S. Brewer Jr. experienced  first-hand in San Diego the concerns shared by Jewish congregations around the country about anti-Semitism — a concern that prompted U.S. Attorney General William Barr to send a directive to U.S. Attorneys throughout the United States to arrange meetings with Jewish community leaders.   At a […]

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Where Is Our World Heading?

The Rebbe once said to a Gerer Chasid named Rabbi Neiman, “The world says that I am crazy about Moshiach—and they are absolutely right!”1 Indeed, if there is one thing that the Rebbe and Chabad in general are known for, it is their fervent belief in the imminent arrival of Moshiach. This teleological driving force […]

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Welcome those with disabilities to Purim

Purim is a joyful Jewish holiday (this year on Thursday, March 20) celebrating the end of frosty winter as well as the salvation of the Jewish people in ancient Persia thanks to the bravery and intelligence of beautiful Queen Esther. The celebration is always marked by high spirits and plenty of refreshments and fun. And […]

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Staging the Power Play

As the King and Haman arrive at the second feast, a foul mood pervades. The wine flows, alcohol providing temporary respite and relief, as the queen sips gingerly to maintain careful control as she sets the stage for the climatic power play that’ll trigger Haman’s final downfall! Weaving historical dates, fascinating parallels, and commemorative observances, […]

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Mother of All Prophetic Superiority

After elucidating the reason a (relatively) small number of Prophets were cited (in juxtaposing lackluster spiritual awakenings they engendered, in comparison with the tsunami of Teshuva caused by Haman), the Talmud seeks to identity the seven Prophetesses – also cast as less impactful. Interestingly, the distinction of prophetic posterity isn’t overtly invoked, and there seems […]

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