At Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, IDF Chief of Staff Meets U.S. Jewish Chaplain

U.S. Army Chaplain (Capt.) Menachem Stern invited to Arlington ceremony In Washington D.C. for high-level talks at the Pentagon, Israel Defense Forces Chief of General Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi participated Wednesday in a U.S. Armed Forces full honors wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington, Va. He was joined there […]

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Unfazed: Jewish Leaders Inspired and Empowered by the Rebbe’s Teachings

Now available for streaming, event attracted tens of thousands online and in-person Since the pandemic-induced lockdowns began in early 2020, countless online events have been held, ranging from entertaining to inspiring to informative. Yet rarely has a single online stream drawn an audience as diverse as Unfazed, an international farbrengen dedicated to learning from the […]

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Eight Teens Awarded for Remarkable Leadership

Inaugural annual award spotlights teens who are making a difference in their communities What do an eighteen-year-old Canadian political activist, an altruistic seventeen-year-old Parisian, and a vivacious, first-generation American teen have in common? They were all crowned winners of CTeen’s inaugural Eight Under Eighteen award. In 2020, CTeen, the Chabad Teen Network and the world’s […]

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With Chabad’s Help, Oberlin College Now Offers Kosher Dining

Among a handful of liberal arts schools with certified kosher dining halls Diversity has long been a part of Oberlin College in Ohio’s DNA. Black students were admitted in 1835, two years after the institution’s founding. Women were accepted from day one, and allowed to enroll in the bachelor’s program beginning in 1837. Despite accusations […]

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Remembering The Struggle for Russian Jewry

Ninety-four years ago today, Rabbi Joseph I. Schneersohn (1880-1950), sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, and the leader of Russian Jewry at the time, was freed from Soviet-imposed exile. The date was 12 Tammuz, corresponding to today’s date, which is celebrated widely by Chabad and Jewish communities as an important watershed in the history of Jewish life in […]

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Ep. 4: Helping A Total Stranger In China

In Episode 4 of Lamplighters: Stories From Chabad Emissaries On The Jewish Frontier, Rabbi Sholom Greenberg, a Chabad Shliach from China, tells the story of how he and the Jewish community in and around Shanghai helped a Jew who had lived – and died – alone in a nearby city. The Chinese government wanted to […]

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Moment of Silence Bill Signed Into Law in Florida

Parents urged to guide their children on the time of brief reflection A Florida law that requires a one- to two-minute Moment of Silence at the start of each day in public schools was signed into law on Monday by Gov. Ron DeSantis. The law, which was passed by the Florida Legislature in April, prohibits […]

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Canadian Jewish Teens Have a Big Voice in New $13 Million Center

A collaborative effort to design the Robbins Family Youth Center in Thornhill, Ontario Teens at Chabad’s Jewish Youth Network in Thornhill, Ontario, have been sharing their hearts, minds and dreams for more than three years in helping to design the Robbins Jewish Youth Center, the first major Jewish community center in the world built exclusively […]

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