How humor can make room for a deeper truth otherwise concealed by the apparitions of this world In his 1905 philosophical analysis of humor, Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious, Sigmund Freud cites a classic Jewish joke: “Two Jews met in a railway carriage at a station in Galicia. ‘Where are you going?’ asked […]
Many New Faces Expected at Chabad Services This Rosh Hashanah
With Covid safety top of mind, many helped during pandemic say they have found a new Jewish home While still in the midst of a year-and-a-half of assistance that has continued unabated through Covid-19 lockdowns, panic-induced scarcity, health challenges and the ongoing need to comfort the loved ones of those who have passed, Chabad centers […]
An Ottoman Odyssey: A Rabbi Rediscovers Turkey’s Jews, Past and Present
Istanbul’s Rabbi Mendy Chitrik tweets his three-week trek across centuries of Jewish life Sometime between the first and second centuries, a discussion was brewing in ancient Israel among the rabbis of the Mishnah. The burden of history and future lay on their shoulders; millennia of Jewish tradition would be based on their word. On this […]
Ep. 8: Murray’s Adoption Left Him With Lots Of Questions
In Episode 8 of Lamplighters: Stories From Chabad Emissaries On The Jewish Frontier, Binyamin Murray, rabbi at Chabad of Middlebury, Vermont, tells the story of his adoption, his upbringing in a loving interfaith family and the intense and challenging search for his true identity. He was inspired along the way by family members and friends; […]
Jewish In Berlin And Scoring High
If Jewish parents in Berlin worried that sending their children to a traditional Jewish school would leave them with compromised scholastics in math, history, and language, they worry no more. The Jewish Traditional School, a Chabad high school for girls, scored top in the city on its Abitur high school exam. This is no modest […]
After The Collapse
Families of the Surfside Tragedy Seek Closure On June 24, 2021, at approximately 1:25 am EST, a section of a twelve-story beachfront condominium building in the Miami suburb of Surfside, Florida, collapsed. Rescue operations involved the dangerous work of digging through the rubble in search of survivors. There were none. Nearly 100 people were confirmed […]
Amid Covid Uncertainty, High Holiday Prayer Books Again in High Demand
Surge in sales again this year for those praying at home With the sounds of the shofar already being heard each day during the month Elul, some can hear the echoes of the upcoming Rosh Hashanah prayers in anticipation of the holiday, which begins this year before sundown on Monday, Sept. 6. The High Holidays […]
First-Ever Mikvah in McAllen, Texas, Dedicated to Local IDF Hero
Young man memorialized seven years after being killed in Gaza war Tucked away on the shores of the Rio Grande near the southernmost tip of the U.S.-Mexico border, McAllen, Texas, has had a Jewish presence for more than 100 years with a small but active Jewish population. But a mikvah, the cornerstone of Jewish family […]
Kidpreneurs Experience the Gift of Giving
Friendship Circle of Brooklyn just concluded a week-long fundraising campaign which was, remarkably, conducted entirely by children. Some thirty five groups of children signed up to raise funds by running their very own pop-up lemonade stands. Friendship Circle provided the eye-catching materials, including branded cups, tablecloths, banners, t-shirts, and a recipe. The children took it […]
Toward A Resilient Jewry
“Once again men and women of ripe old age will sit in the streets of Jerusalem . . . The city streets will be filled with boys and girls playing there.” Zechariah 8:4 The slow summer months are quiet on the Jewish calendar, uninterrupted by holidays. There are, however, two days of fasting — the […]