Chief Rabbi Yehuda Gerami received brotherly reception from rabbinical colleagues from around the globe With Chief Rabbi of Iran Yehuda Gerami’s visit to the United States coinciding with the world’s largest rabbinic conference—theInternational Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries, being held this weekend in Brooklyn, N.Y.—the rabbi is taking the opportunity to meet with and share ideas […]
LIVE: Watch The Kinus
Desert Wedding Seals a Year of Torah Learning for Young Eastern European Jews
Culminating a year of Torah study, six hundred young eastern European Jews enjoy a spectacular trip to Dubai. As the sun set on the sands of the Rub’ al Khali desert outside Dubai, six hundred young Russian Jews gathered there, around a chuppah, to celebrate the marriage of Alexander and Alina Rudenko. Despite a day […]
International Conference Of Chabad Emissaries Begins
Chabad Rabbis are known for bringing Judaism to the far corners of the globe. But for three days a year, they come back to where it all began. The annual International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries (the Kinus Hashluchim) typically attracts some 6,000 rabbis and supporters to Brooklyn, New York. After having been held virtually last […]
Ep. 11: Solomon Is The First Rabbi Appointed To Western Australia’s Highest Court
In Episode 10 of Lamplighters: Stories From Chabad Emissaries On The Jewish Frontier, Reporter/Producer Gary Waleik presents the story of Rabbi Justice Marcus Solomon, whose appointment to Western Australia’s highest court came after years of hard work in the legal profession. But he also worked during that time to vigorously build Jewish education … which […]
Mysterious Holocaust Survivor’s Skull Given Jewish Burial in California
Who was the man with the numbers on his arm? It’s a nightmarish image for most. Some time in the 1980s, Penelope Frey was sorting through her husband’s belongings in his Park Avenue clinic in Manhattan when she came across an old box. Brushing off the years of dust, she opened it to discover a […]
Coming To Shabbos: Diane Abrams
“My zaidy called it ‘di heiliger Shabbos’ (the holy Shabbos); my father called it the Shabbos; I call it ‘the Sabbath,’ my children call it ‘Saturday,’ and my grandchildren call it ‘the day before Super Bowl Sunday’.” This pithy anecdote describes a tragic trend among Jews who came over from the Old World and failed, […]
Mayor Rudy Giuliani Speaks About The Rebbe
Former NY Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, speaks about his first visit to The Rebbe
Paying for Mitzvos
Parshas: Chayei Sarah
Birthday of the fifth Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Sholom DovBer Schneerson in 1860 (5621)
Today in Jewish History 20 Cheshvan: Birthday of the fifth Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Sholom DovBer Schneerson in 1860 (5621), the founder of the central Chabad-Lubavitch yeshivah, Tomchei Temimim. “If you find yourself in a certain place, a particular situation, know that it is by Divine providence. For G‑d orchestrates and arranges many events so to […]