A chance encounter months before leads to a late-night mitzvah Looming above the Hawaiian island of Maui at 10,023 feet is Haleakalā, a dormant volcano surrounded by lush rainforest and Mars-like red landscapes. Rabbi Mendy Krasnjansky was winding his way up the mountain with two visiting rabbinical students before Rosh Hashanah 2020. The students, who […]
Four Decades of Car Menorahs Lighting the Way
With morphing sizes, shapes, materials and vehicles, they’ve become a familiar sight at Chanukah the world over You know them when you see them, and when you see them, you know it’s Chanukah. The car menorah is a uniquely American innovation—a marketing gimmick created by young yeshivah students in the early 1970s as a way […]
In Flooded British Columbia, Jewish Community Comes to the Aid of Their Neighbors
Rabbi Shmuly and Freidy Hecht provide material and spiritual sustenance to all Nestled among breathtaking scenery along the west coast of Canada, the picturesque town of Hope, British Columbia, was hammered with record rainfall earlier this month, flooding the entire town and overwhelming its wastewater system. To make matters worse, all roads linking the town […]
Chanukah Returns to Major Sporting Events at U.S. Stadiums
Jewish pride will be on full display, from hardwood to ice The roar of the crowd fades, the bleachers fall quiet. As the Columbus Blue Jackets prepare to face off the visiting team mid-game a bearded rabbi comes into view, climbing a ladder. It’s Rabbi Areyah Kaltmann, and he’s about to light the menorah at […]
Razel Wolvovsky, 66, Without a Title, an Institution of Her Own
Sophisticated Brooklynite who nurtured children, welcomed guests and cared for others Razel Wolvovsky was many things to many people. To the hundreds of children she taught over her decades as a preschool teacher, she was the loving, imaginative morah who made Judaism come alive at the most formative stage of their lives. To others, and […]
Rabbi Shimon Raichik, 68, Leader of Los Angeles Chabad Community
A source of wisdom and guidance for fellow Chabad emissaries around the world Rabbi Shimon Raichik, a noted Torah scholar and rabbinic leader, led Congregation Levi Yitzchok of Los Angeles, a prominent Chabad-Lubavitch community in California. Widely known for his expertise on Jewish law and his passionate Chassidic persona, he would frequently receive calls from […]
Miniature “Pegisha” Draws Four Hundred To Brooklyn
A scaled-back version of an annual Shabbat retreat to Brooklyn leaves a deep impression on four hundred college students. The streets of Crown Heights, Brooklyn came alive over Shabbat, November 13, as some four hundred college students from over forty college campuses across the country convened for a weekend of inspiration. The unpredictability surrounding the […]
‘Listen to the Lights’: Chabad to Bring Chanukah Joy and Meaning to Millions
For many, the eight-day holiday is a springboard for personal growth in Judaism Kim Barlow lives in Malanda, Queensland, a town of 1,985 people in remote northern Australia. Born to a Jewish mother and Indigenous father, she never felt that she completely fit in either world. When she traveled to nearby Cairns during Chanukah of […]
Retaining Friendships
Geula Message from Parshas Vayeishev with Rabbi Avrohom Yehuda Kievman, Dayan at Melbourne Beis Din, based on the teachings of The Rebbe
Underground Memories: Recalling Secret 19 Kislev Gatherings in 1960s’ Moscow
Rabbis talk of freedom amidst persecution during their youth For more than 200 years in Chabad-Lubavitch communities around the world—in the best of circumstances and the worst—these early winter days have been dedicated to preparing for the Chassidic holiday of Yud Tes Kislev, the 19th day of the Hebrew month of Kislev (which in 2021 […]