A Rabbi responds to a common conundrum. When it comes to parenting, there’s no definitive, manufacturer-approved manual. Parenting Jewish is even harder—especially when your children are the only Jews in their peer group. Here we asked a Chabad representative to respond to a conundrum that commonly comes up among Jewish parents during this time of […]
First Letter of UAE Torah Scroll Inked by Israeli Prime Minister Bennett
On first visit by an Israeli PM, to the Emirates, Bennett begins the first Torah written in the UAE As Israel’s Prime Minister Naftali Bennett makes history with the first Israeli head-of-state visit to the United Arab Emirates, he’s making history in other ways, too. Bennett was honored by Rabbi Levi Duchman, Chabad-Lubavitch emissary and […]
Life Is Not A Circus
Tempting danger makes for a good story, but moral responsibility makes for a better life By Menachem Brod Translated by Yoni Brown Many of Torah’s prohibitions are guardrails, designed to steer us away from outright sin. Our Sages forbade many things that are not in and of themselves wrong, intending to prevent us from knocking […]
What’s One Thing You Wish They Knew?
ShabbaTTogether Fosters Inclusion and Empowerment Among People with Disabilities and Mental Health Conditions in Jewish Communities Across the Globe with New Program Over the past seven years, the Ruderman Family Foundation has supported the Ruderman Chabad Inclusion Initiative (RCII) in creating a culture of inclusion among Chabad communities throughout the world. Together, the two organizations […]
Gratitude and Torah for Security and Geula
Geula Message from Parshas Vayechi with Rabbi Avrohom Yehuda Kievman, Dayan at Melbourne Beis Din, based on the teachings of The Rebbe.
Chabad Rushes Water and Warm Clothing to Tornado Victims
Chabad emissaries in Kentucky are leading an effort to supply clothing, food, and water to devastated victims of the deadliest tornadoes in recent memory. Late Friday night, the deadliest tornadoes in recent memory tore through the American heartland, leaving thousands without a home and many facing the elements without adequate clothing. Chabad emissaries in Kentucky […]
Today in Jewish History: Asarah (10) B’Tevet
On the 10th of Tevet in the Hebrew year 3336 (425 BCE), the army of Babylonian emperor Nebuchadnezzar surrounded Jerusalem’s stone walls and laid siege on the city. This was the beginning of the end of the first Beit Hamikdash; on the 17th of Tammuz, 3338, the city walls were breached, and three weeks later, […]
After Tornadoes Devastate U.S. Heartland, Kentucky Chabad Brings Comfort, Aid
With tons of supplies and open hearts, Kentucky rabbis race to help After deadly tornadoes tore through America’s heartland, Chabad emissaries are at the forefront of the herculean aid effort now underway in the hardest-hit communities. Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear called it “one of the toughest nights in Kentucky history” as tornadoes that ripped across […]
Community Building in Cabo S. Lucas
A majestic white dome glistens at the tip of the Baja California Peninsula. Between the picturesque mountains and stunning Pacific Ocean views, the brand new Cabo Jewish Center is a stunning culmination of long years of community building. There were plenty of Jews in Cabo S. Lucas in the early aughts, but no Jewish community. […]
Unknown Jewish Man Receives Full Jewish Burial
Every so often in the life of a Chabad Emissary, an unusual little story comes along that leaves a poignant imprint. When a Jewish resident at a nursing home near Boston passed away without any relatives, the funeral home placed a call to Rabbi Nechemia Schusterman of Peabody, Massachusetts. Did he want to organize a […]