Weary Refugee Jewish Orphans Welcomed in Romania

Children are still at the beginning of a long journey A group of 140 Jewish refugee orphans and staff from Chabad’s Alumim orphanage in Zhitomir, Ukraine, arrived in the middle of the night in Cluj-Napoca (Klausenburg) Romania after a grueling journey, where they were warmly welcomed by the Jewish community. Rabbi Dovber Orgad and his […]

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Outreach to All

Living with the Parsha and Geula Message from Parshas Pekudei with Rabbi Avrohom Yehuda Kievman, Dayan at Melbourne Beis Din, based on the teachings of The Rebbe

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Jewish Children From Orphanage and Yeshiva Arrive Safely in Romania and Moldova

Students from Zhitomir and Dnieper make it across the border As Ukraine descends into a humanitarian nightmare, Chabad-Lubavitch across the beleaguered nation is working day and night to evacuate the most vulnerable community members. In Zhitomir, which is currently suffering continued shelling, according to Rabbi Shlomo Wilhelm, director of Chabad of Zhitomir, who has stayed […]

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Jews of Kiev Facing Barrages and Ground Attack Ask for Prayers

Some are fleeing and some remain, but all are terrified As deadly rocket assaults on Kiev (Kyiv) accelerated and the prospect of street fighting between Ukrainian defenders and advancing Russian troops became more likely, leaders of the Kiev Jewish community—speaking through third parties who said they did not know the community leaders’ locations—pleaded for prayers. […]

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Someone’s Always Watching

“When my father died a few years ago, I didn’t know where to turn,” says Daren Burney. “I’m not religious and don’t belong to a synagogue.”  At the time, his daughters were taking Bat Mitzvah classes with Mrs. Devorah Sufrin of ​​Chabad Lubavitch North East London & Essex so Burney decided to call her husband, […]

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Jewish Man Killed in Convoy Evacuating From Ukraine

Reports identified the deceased as Roman Brodsky, a father of two A Jewish man in his 40s was killed today while attempting to flee Ukraine for Moldova. The man, identified as 41-year-old Roman Brodsky, an Israeli citizen and father of two, was killed when his car—part of a 12-person, two-car convoy headed to Moldova—was fired […]

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As War in Ukraine Intensifies, Zhitomir’s Jewish Orphanage Flees West

Chabad-Lubavitch has evacuated hundreds of Jewish community’s ‘most vulnerable’ westward As soon as the war in Ukraine broke out on Thursday, Chabad-Lubavitch of Zhitomir began working overtime to arrange for the children in their orphanage and educational institutions to flee to safer ground. “I’m in the bunker right now, ” Rabbi Shlomo Wilhelm told Chabad.org […]

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