Helped by Chabad at every step Alona Dedovsky considers herself lucky. For nine days she, her husband, young son, elderly parents and even older great-aunt lived deep underground in Kharkov’s Prospekt Gagarina subway station. “We came there early and got space in the metro cars where it was warmer,” says Dedovsky. “Most people had to […]
A Page a Day, Completes Online Talmud Lessons
Rabbi Avraham Zajac’s class finishes the entire Talmud over seven years At 6:10 a.m., Sunday through Friday, dozens faithfully gather for an hour-long Talmud class with Rabbi Avraham Zajac, director of Chabad-Lubavitch of South La Cienega (SOLA) in Los Angeles. The study group has slowly leafed their way through the Talmud’s 2711 folios almost three […]
CNN Highlights an Account of Chabad’s Work in Ukraine
Interview with Rabbi Avraham Berkowitz, currently in Moldova Reporting on the deepening humanitarian crisis in war-devastated Ukraine, CNN interviewed Chabad Rabbi Avraham Berkowitz, who is currently in Moldova, where Chabad-Lubavitch has been bringing thousands of Jewish refugees. Berkowitz was quick to point out that he was just one among hundreds of Chabad emissaries on the […]
Kherson Rabbi Struggles to Make Sure Community Doesn’t Go Hungry
Basic food staples are hard to come by in besieged Ukrainian city While many Ukrainians continue to flee, the people of Kherson, including its Jewish community, have nowhere to go. The city of almost 300,000, which last week came under Russian control, is shut off from the rest of the country, with no way in […]
Crisis Center in Israel a Lifeline for Jews of Ukraine
Israel’s emergency service sends a mobile command post to Kfar Chabad As shelling continues in beleaguered Ukraine, many have fled to neighboring countries along an often treacherous journey that takes days to traverse. Still others have been unable or reluctant to escape, while men aged 18-60 must stay and help with the war effort. A […]
Ep. 20: “Pastrami Shlichus” In Central Massachusetts
In Episode 20 of Lamplighters: Stories From Chabad Emissaries On The Jewish Frontier, reporter/producer Gary Waleik presents the story of Chani’s Kosher Take-Out, a food establishment that operates out of Chabad of Central Massachusetts. Not only is their kosher food garnering rave reviews and funding programs and building improvements, its “Pastrami Shlichus” is bringing the Jewish […]
Chabad Still in Russian market
Many Brands That Have Pulled Out Of The Russian Market Following The Ukraine Invasion, But not for Chabad.
Chabad Aids 22,000 Jewish Refugees on Both Sides of Ukrainian Border
They’ve made the treacherous journey to the border. Where to now? In the last two weeks some 22,000 Jewish Ukrainian refugees have streamed to the war-torn nation’s borders with the help of Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries on the ground. After a treacherous bus, car or train ride, they wait at one of Ukraine’s international border crossings for […]
54 Busloads of Desperate Ukrainian Jews Evacuated in a Single Day
Worldwide Chabad effort secures transportation for those fleeing the war Sitting in the ad hoc crisis center in Kfar Chabad, “Chaim” has been on the phone with Jews in war-torn Ukraine for nearly 14 hours. In call after call, he has been reiterating the same point: “Get out while you can. We will help you […]
Ukraine Update from Chabad’s Terror Victims Project
BH Ukraine-Israel Update – March 8th, 2022 Ukraine: • All the Chabad Shluchim and their families – except for a few – have been able to get out of Ukraine. It took several days to travel via different countries to reach their final destination. Some are still traveling, but all are safe. • Shluchim, who […]