Power to the Children

CECE Hosts Annual Retreat in Chabad of Plano If it takes a village to raise a child, a global community is necessary to raise its teachers. To that end, twenty passionate educators came together last month at a conference in Plano, Texas. Hosted by Rivkie Block, Chabad’s representative here, together with Chabad’s Early Childhood Education […]

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Grand Menorah Lighting at The Summit returns for 5th year

The Chabad of Alabama will host its fifth annual Grand Menorah Lighting at The Summit on Sunday, Dec. 22, at Saks Plaza. The event will begin at 4:30 p.m. and guests can enjoy traditional Chanukah treats including latkes, donuts, chocolate gelt (coins) drops, as well as entertainment for the whole family and traditional Chanukah songs. […]

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Today in Chabad History: 9 (Tes) Kislev

The 9th of Kislev marks both the birthday and passing of the Mitteler Rebbe (the second Chabad Rebbe), Rabbi Dov Ber of Lubavitch (1773-1827).  Rabbi Dov Ber was a prolific author who published many scholarly books during the course of his lifetime, including Toras Chaim, Imrei Bina, and Peirush Hamilos. Rabbi Dov Ber constantly advocated […]

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The Only Known Brazilian-Born Holocaust Survivor Celebrates a Bar Mitzvah at 91

São Paulo ceremony brings together family, friends and community Andor Stern, the only known Holocaust survivor to have been born in Brazil, celebrated his bar mitzvah at the age of 91 in a moving ceremony at Kehilat Israel, São Paulo’s oldest Jewish synagogue. The celebration took place exactly 81 years after Kristallnacht (“Night of Broken […]

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Q&A: The Holocaust’s Jewish Calendars: Keeping Time Sacred, Making Time Holy

Historian Avraham Rosen discusses his groundbreaking new book that holds relevance for all In “The Holocaust’s Jewish Calendars,” historian Avraham (Alan) Rosen presents a groundbreaking and richly illustrated exposition on the Jewish concept of time by examining handwritten, typed and printed calendars that Jewish men and women created during the Holocaust in ghettos, in concentration […]

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Do Menorahs Belong in the Public Square?

The public menorah has become a ubiquitous symbol at shopping malls, parks and public spaces the world over. But arguments over holiday displays and the religious nature of their symbols have been waged in town halls, on city boards and have even reached the Supreme Court. From our archives, Lubavitch.com presents two articles that look […]

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