19 Kislev: Rosh Hashana of Chassidut Yud-Tes Kislev, also known as the “Chag HaGeulah—The Holiday of Redemption,” or the “Rosh Hashana of Chassidut,” begins tonight and continues until sundown tomorrow. On this day in 1798, the Alter Rebbe, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, was finally freed after spending 53 days in prison. Rabbi Shneur Zalman […]
70 Days For 70 Years: Day 18
The Birth of Moshiach and His Accelerated Maturation!
Reb Shmuel Lerner Remembers The Rebbe’s Carefulness to Bitul Torah in Paris
70 Days For 70 Years: Day 17
How growth and development of Human Beings will adjust when Moshiach comes!
70 Days For 70 Years: Day 16
What will the world look like when Moshiach comes? Part 1
At White House, Chassidim Recognized for Getting Criminal Justice Reform Done
Acknowledging the Jewish people’s “resilience, endurance and faith” at the annual White House Chanukah reception and symbolic menorah lighting, President Donald Trump publicly recognized the work of two Chassidic activists who were instrumental in spearheading the First Step Act, the most sweeping package of criminal justice in a generation. The bill was passed with overwhelming […]
70 Days For 70 Years: Day 15
Moshiach’s Greatness: Will He be Greater than Moshe Rabbainu?!
14 Kislev, 1928: Marriage of the Rebbe and Rebbetzin
It was on today’s Hebrew date in November of 1928 that the marriage of the Rebbe and Rebbetzin, Menachem Mendel and Chaya Mushka Schneerson, took place in Lubavitch Yeshiva of Warsaw, Poland. Although the Rebbe’s parents were unable to join, they celebrated the marriage from their home in Yekatrinislav (now Dnepropetrovsk). When the previous Lubavitcher […]
Tenafly Chabad Academy Middle School Celebrates Rosh Chodesh
Source: https://jewishlinknj.com/schools/34964-tenafly-chabad-academy-middle-school-celebrates-rosh-chodesh
Chabad Rabbis Join Substance Use Disorders Educational Initiative
18.7 million Americans have a substance use disorder. That’s one in twelve adults. Joining the fight against addiction are three Atlanta-area Chabad rabbis, who have been selected to participate in an eight-session opioid awareness and prevention seminar for interfaith leaders. A project of the Clinton Foundation, the program aims to educate and train spiritual leaders—often the […]