Batsheva Oberlander and Miriam Alexandrov with Chana Weisberg Batsheva Oberlander, shlucha in Hungary, talks about her refugee work, and is joined by a refugee from Ukraine, who is en-route to Israel. Source:
Overcoming Shortages to Bring Passover to 30,000 Ukraine Refugees in Europe
Mega-seders and home deliveries require many tons of shmurah matzah, wine and other staples First in a series of articles on helping the Jews of Ukraine to celebrate Passover Passover has always been a celebration of freedom and redemption for Jews the world over, but also a time to focus on the needs of the […]
110 Schoolchildren Show Off Jewish Knowledge at Championship Game Show
On March 13th, one hundred and ten Jewish schoolchildren marched into a Princeton, New Jersey ballroom for CKids’ annual JewQ International Torah Championship 5782 and took their places on the dais. They had spent months accumulating a considerable body of Jewish knowledge at their local Chabad Hebrew Schools, and now they were ready to show […]
The Show of the Future / Affecting One Another Positively
Parsha and Geula Message from Parshas Shemini with Rabbi Avrohom Yehuda Kievman, Dayan at Melbourne Beis Din, based on the teachings of The Rebbe.
Ep. 21: Two Dramatic Journeys Out Of Ukrainian War Zones
In Episode 21 of Lamplighters: Stories From Chabad Emissaries On The Jewish Frontier, reporter/producer Gary Waleik reaches out to Rebbetzin Miriam Moskovitz of Kharkov and Rebbetzin Esther Wilhelm of Zhitomir for their stories on the dramatic journey leaving Ukraine during the war, about their continuing efforts to serve their communities despite the war in Ukraine, […]
Chabad Rabbi Murdered in Terrorist Attack in Beersheva
Rabbi Moshe Krivitski ran a Colel Chabad soup kitchen for more than 10 years Rabbi Moshe Krivitski, a Chabad-Lubavitch emissary in the Nachal Beka neighborhood of Beersheva who ran a local soup kitchen for more than 10 years, was among the four victims of a terrorist attack in Israel on Tuesday morning. He leaves behind […]
At Least Four Dead in Terrorist Attack in Beersheva, Israel
Assailant identified as Bedouin with terrorist ties At least four people were killed and two were seriously injured in a terrorist stabbing attack and car-ramming in Beersheva, Israel. A lone assailant reportedly drove up to a gas station near a large shopping center, exited his car and began stabbing people, killing three and injuring others. […]
As Bombs Fall, a Jewish Burial in Kharkov, Ukraine
People risk their lives to bury others in the dignity of tradition For several weeks, Chabad-Lubavitch of Kharkov had been delivering food to an elderly man in their community—one among hundreds who they have been helping directly even as bombs continue to devastate their city. On Monday they arranged for his Jewish burial. “He died […]
Israeli Chabad Rabbi Fatally Stabbed in Be’er Sheva
We are saddened and shocked by the brutal murder of Rabbi Moshe Kravitzky in a senseless terror attack near his home in Be’er Sheva, Israel on Tuesday morning. Rabbi Kravitzky moved to Be’er Sheva with his family fifteen years ago, and assumed directorship of Chabad’s center in the suburban neighborhood of Nachal Beka. As the […]
Yeka Counselors Drop Everything to Be With Ukrainian Campers
When shells began exploding in Dnipro, Ukraine, Chabad’s local Mironova Boys’ School for Orphans decided it was time to leave. Mironova’s “parents”, David and Liora Vaskovsky, drove to the Polish border with fifteen teenage boys and their own young children. Upon reaching the border, David learned he was not allowed to leave the country, and […]