70 Days For 70 Years: Day 33
Moshiach: Why the Order of Global Transformation Matters!
Soul Lights
Man’s soul is G-d’s lamp… (Proverbs 20:27) Sitting with the Rebbe’s shluchim at the closing session of the Annual International Conference of Chabad Lubavitch Emissaries near the end of November, I felt the enormous spiritual power concentrated in the cavernous hall. Scanning the room, I saw the faces of three generations of shluchim stationed on […]
70 Days For 70 Years: Day 32
Has the actual Geula ~ Messianic Redemption Already Begun from a Halachik Perspective
70 Days For 70 Years: Day 31
What’s First? Building the Beit HaMikdash or Gathering the Exiles?
In Iowa, Bernie Sanders Lights a Public Menorah
He was an early proponent of public lightings as mayor of Burlington, Vt. U.S. Senator and presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders lit a large public menorah at Chabad-Lubavitch of Iowa’s Chanukah celebration on the eighth and final night of Chanukah. Sanders briefly addressed those gathered, recalling his father, who emigrated from Poland to flee anti-Semitic attacks. […]
The Monsey Stabbing Just a Short Drive From My Home
People are scared, and not just in this sleepy town Over Chanukah, my children visited us from Chicago. After Shabbat, after the seventh lighting of the menorah, they were preparing to leave. My son-in-law and two older grandchildren were rushing in and out, busily loading their van for their long drive home early the next […]
Guardian angel founder and the rebbe
Chabad at Reed- Matching Campaign
BS”D As many of you know, each Chabad is funded by it’s specific circle of friends. While we, the Einstein family, are actively reaching out to friends and family to ensure a great year for the med students, there is a similar campaign being held for the students at Reed in Portland Oregon. Unfortunately you […]
Ellie Bialo and Children
On Tuesday, the world suddenly and unexpectedly lost an incredible man with a special soul. A kind and giving person who was full of love and laughter. Yossi Bialo OBM leaves behind his wife, Ellie and two children, Levi and Aryeh. A fund has been launched to help with the family’s long term expenses. Yossi […]